Coordinates Finder» Need to know the lat and long of a city? Flight Distance Calculator» Need to know the distances between two cities by airplane? Flight Time Calculator» Need to calculate the time it takes to get to a city by plane?
ValidationUtils.getCoordinatePoint2D(orgunit.getCoordinates())); if(distancebetween>distance) { iter.remove(); } } } returnobjects; } 代码示例来源:origin: dhis2/dhis2-core if(imported==null||imported.getCoordinates()==null||imported.getFeatureType()==null) 代码示例来源:origin: dhis2/dhis2...
* @brief Returns the distance between two points. * @param xy1 coordinates of the first point * @param xy2 coordinates of the second point * @return the distance in pixels */doubleGeometry::get_distance(constRectangle& xy1,constRectangle& xy2) {returnget_distance(xy1.get_x(), xy1.get...
C# code for get distance between two point using google map C# code for salary calculation C# code in aspx file C# comparing two complex objects and get difference. c# declaring huge strings C# equivalent of JavaScript escape() C# for determining if AM or PM C# has GetDate() function? ...
The Get Great Circle Distance API is an HTTP GET request that returns the great-circle or shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere, measured along the surface of the sphere. This differs from calculating a straight line through the sphere's interior. This method is hel...
screenPlacer.SetCamera(renderCamera);// Determine the world distance between two vertical// screen pixels for this camera:dist = nearPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(transform.position); worldUnitsPerScreenPixel = Vector3.Distance(c.ScreenToWorldPoint(newVector3(0,1, dist)), c.ScreenToWorldPoint(newVect...
A minimum of two coordinates is required. The first one is the origin and the last is the destination of the route. Optional coordinates in-between act as WayPoints in the route. You can pass up to 150 WayPoints. accelerationEfficiency query number double Specifies the efficiency of ...
I am interested in graphing the altitude on the ground directly under two points in the sky. The graphing can be done by dividing the distance between the two given points into N equal parts and obtaining the ground altitude at each interior point. ...
This example uses a center point and zoom level to get a map that shows the end of the route between Seattle and Redmond from the previous example. The center point is the latitude and longitude coordinates of Redmond. You can use the Find a Location by Address API to get the latitude ...
Typically, lower zoom levels are used for areas that have limited data or when you request elevations for points or a polyline that covers a large distance. For example if you request a polyline that covers a large distance across the Earth, such as the distance between Paris and Beijing, ...