Once you enable it, your status will let others in the Discord servers you’re in know whenever you start streaming. And anyone can click on your status to go directly to your stream and start watching. This works especially well in conjunction with the last tactic (make friends). The ide...
I builtFireshort- a URL shortener solution running purely on Firebase. This project is completely open source and has been used by several companies as a base for their in-house URL shortening needs. I’ve been working on the next version of this project atLinkborg. I’ve also built sever...
Fuck Discord niggers, I think I'm eventually going to trudge through it and gather every useful link so that others don't have to. 10/25-26/23: Added LimCum update countdown link. Added Ara channel link 10/29/23: Added Library of Ruina Dialogue Bug Fixes link  URL for your channel is as simple as follows: Step 1:“Sign In”to YouTube Studio. Step 2:From the left Menu, select“Customization Basic info.” ...
you’ll receive the code directly on Telegram. In case you’re not able to reach it, you’ll still be able to request an SMS on the phone number related to your account. If it’s the first login, you’ll also be asked for yournameandprofile picture. That’s all you need for the...
Simply write an article on your blog/website about us, show us the URL to your blog post, and we'll grow your profile by 5,000 fans ($30 value) absolutely free! If you'd like your Facebook, Twitter or TikTok promoted instead, we can do that as well. Step 1 Write about Tro...