public java.sql.ResultSet getImportedKeys(java.lang.String cat, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table) 参数cat一个包含目录名称的字符串 。架构一个包含架构名称的字符串。table一个包含表名称的字符串。返回值一个SQLServerResultSet 对象。例外...
public static void executeGetTables(Connection con) { try { DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTables("AdventureWorks", "Person", "Contact", null); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); // Display the result set data. int cols = rsmd.getColumnCou...
The following table lists the SQLSTATE values typically returned by SQLGetInfo and explains each one in the context of this function; the notation "(DM)" precedes the descriptions of SQLSTATEs returned by the Driver Manager. The return code associated with each SQLSTATE value is SQL_ERROR, ...
These use lots of total CPU time because they've been running for days at a time, but they have spent most of that time in an idle state. These can be filtered out by querying for all spid values less than 50, as all values 50 and below are reserved for internal SQL Server system...
Array data type in SQL server Array's IN SQL SERVER? ASCII values for extended characters Assign empty string '' if datetime is null Assign EXEC output to Variable Assigning NULL value to column name using Case Statement of where is SQL SERVER 2008 atomic if not exists() and insert or ...
public int getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount() 傳回值 int,這包含目前未完成備妥陳述式未準備動作數目。 例外狀況 SQLServerException 備註 從JDBC 驅動程式 6.4 版開始,可以使用此方法。 另請參閱 SQLServerConnection 成員 SQLServerConnection 類別
Sheet 1 i.e Employee Details & Sheet 2 i.e Raw Data.In the Raw data sheet, there are two types of products GT & ST.All the products come in GT Except...
As mentioned by @jarlh there is no need to useDISTINCTonSELECT, but if you want to count ...
column, and you want to find the sum and count grouped by (Upline + all the matched values ...