You need to have had attention problems or other signs of ADHD as a child in order to be diagnosed as an adult -- even if those early symptoms didn't come with a formal diagnosis. People may have accused you of being lazy back inchildhood. Or they may have thought you had another co...
Rach Idowuwrites the “Adulting with ADHD” newsletter, which talks about being diagnosed with the condition as an adult and discusses coping strategies. In an email, Idowu tellsInverse, “A common assumption is that adults with ADHD are just lazy. They don’t understand that ADHD can be a...
There should be a thorough examination of other possible diagnoses that may account for apparent ADHD symptoms; and other common co-occurring conditions should also be explored and diagnosed if present. Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council has just approvedan evidence-based clinical...
But because this myth persists, boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls.Myth #6: If you weren’t diagnosed with ADHD as a child, you cannot have ADHD as an adult.Fact: In the largest U.S. study of psychiatric disorders among the general population, 75 percent of adults with A...
“In regard to nonfiction, I am fascinated with books on neurodivergence and would love to see a book by a well-platformed writer who has written a book for parents of later-diagnosed neurodivergent children. In other words, and maybe more specifically, I’d love to see a book for parent...
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with daily schedules. However, imagine how extra complicated it is for people diagnosed with ADHD. The apps are helpful in ways that help them keep their commitments at work, in their communities, and with their families. ...
There’s a popular quote often said by nature preschool and forest kindergarten teachers, when asked about whether or not children who have been diagnosed with ADHD can “handle” being outdoors. It goes like this, “Kids don’t bounce off the walls when there are no walls.” ...
Mackenzie didn't discover he was dyslexic until his younger brother was diagnosed in 1972—the year Mackenzie left school. But knowing you have it and accepting it are very different things.When his own son was identified with dyslexia, Mackenzie found he couldn't face the problem. “He had...
Our son (6th grade) was early diagnosed as ADHD and for the first 3 years of elementary school several of his teachers suggested he might require special education. But then the school counseling staff did a workup and determined that his IQ is 161 and from that point forward his classroom...
is a mental disorder commonly diagnosed in children and adolescents, which can continue into adulthood. According to recent statistics in the United States alone over six million children 4-17 years of age have been diagnosed with ADHD and about 4% to 5% of the adult population are affected by...