Add-DfsrConnection Add-DfsrMember ConvertFrom-DfsrGuid Export-DfsrClone Get-DfsrBacklog Get-DfsrCloneState Get-DfsrConnection Get-DfsrConnectionSchedule Get-DfsrDelegation Get-DfsReplicatedFolder Get-DfsReplicationGroup Get-DfsrFileHash Get-DfsrGroupSchedule ...
Currently we only support geoReplicationStats and blobRestoreStatus. StorageAccountInternetEndpoints The URIs that are used to perform a retrieval of a public blob, file, web or dfs object via a internet routing endpoint. StorageAccountMicrosoftEndpoints The URIs that are used to perform a ...
for(FileStatus status :liststatus) { //判断是否是文件 if (status.isFile()){ //ctrl + d:复制一行 //ctrl + x 是剪切一行,可以用来当作是删除一行 System.out.println("文件:" + status.getPath().getName()); } else { System.out.println("目录:" + status.getPath().getName()); } } ...
1. Stop and ALSO disable the DFSR service on <ServerA> server (don't just simply stop it) 2. In Windows Explorer open the specific drive 3. Right click on the "System Volume Information" directory and select Properties\Security Note: You might need to select the option for "Show hi...
hdfs dfs -text /xxx 1. (8)改变一个文件的副本数 hdfs dfs -setrep -R 3 /xx 命令解释:将/xx下的所有文件,副本数改为3 -R代表递归 1. 2. 3. (9)显示文件的stat信息 hdfs dfs -stat format /xx文件 [format]可选参数有:%b(文件大小),%o(Block大小),%n(文件名),%r(副本个数),%y(最后一次...
HRESULT GetReferenceVersionVectors( [in] GUID replicationGroupGuid, [out] SAFEARRAY (_VersionVectorData)* referenceVersionVectors ); replicationGroupGuid: MUST be the identifier of the replication group for which the server gets version vectors. referenceVersionVectors: MUST be the array of ve...
With windows 2019, once a command either through the server manager or powershell gets an error, you have to reboot the system to clear the status. it was quicker to reboot, then to look at what needs to be run to clear ...
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, file1,1024, (short)3,1L); DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, file1, (short)2);// Check that this single failure caused a DN to die.DFSTestUtil.waitForDatanodeStatus(dm,2,1,0, origCapacity - (1*dnCapacity), WAIT_FOR_HEARTBEATS);// If we restore the...
包路径:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient 类名称:DFSClient 方法名:getDefaultReplication DFSClient.getDefaultReplication介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: @Override publicshortgetDefaultReplication(){ returndfs.getDefaultReplication(); ...