shown, you do not need to perform thedateadd/datediffcalculationCAST(DATEADD(DAY, DATADIFF(DAY, ...
Sometimes we need to get the day of week in name or number.SQL Serverhas a couple of inbuilt functions to get the day of week from thegiven date. To get the name of the day of week, you can use DATENAME function and to get the number of the day of week, you can use DATEPART f...
由dayofweek表示的一周当天的区域性特定全名。 例外 ArgumentOutOfRangeException dayofweek不是有效的DayOfWeek值。 注解 对于默认固定DateTimeFormatInfo对象,此方法从GregorianCalendar对象返回一个字符串。 dayofweek返回值 星期日“星期日” 星期一“Monday” 星期二“Tuesday” ...
SQL_SQ_INSQL_SQ_QUANTIFIEDSQL_SQ_CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES位掩碼表示支援子查詢的所有述詞都支援相互關聯的子查詢。SQL-92 入門層級一致性驅動程式一律會傳回位掩碼,其中已設定所有這些位。 SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS 1.0 SQLUINTEGER 位掩碼,列舉驅動程式和相關聯數據源所支援的純量系統函式。下列位掩碼可用來判斷支援...
在SQLGetInfo是使用 SQL_KEYWORDS 调用的并且缓冲区长度为 0 时,SQL Server Native Client 中的SQLGetInfo不同于 SQL Server ODBC 驱动程序中的SQLGetInfo。SQL Server Native Client 驱动程序返回 SQL_SUCCESS,但 SQL Server ODBC 驱动程序返回 SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO。但在使用小于输出关键字字符串的非零缓冲区...
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) introduces real-time operational analytics, the ability to run both analytics and OLTP workloads on the same database tables at the same time. Besides running analytics in real time, you can also eliminate the need for ETL and a data warehouse. ...
在CLI的早期版本中 fInfoType为SQL_MAX_OWNER_NAME_LEN。 SQL_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN (32 位无符号整数) 指示SQL 语句字符串的最大长度 (以字节计) ,包括语句中的空格数。 SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN (16 位整数) 表名的最大长度 (以字节计)。 SQL_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT (16 位整数) Indicates the maximum...
AbbreviatedDayNames : {Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed...} ShortestDayNames : {Su, Mo, Tu, We...} DayNames : {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...} AbbreviatedMonthNames : {Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr...} MonthNames : {January, February, March, April...} IsReadOnly : False NativeCalendarName : ...
Gets the UI Automation Name of the element associated with this CalendarDayButtonAutomationPeer. Called by GetName. Namespace: System.Windows.Automation.Peers Assembly: System.Windows.Controls (in System.Windows.Controls.dll) Syntax C# 複製 protected override string GetNameCore() Return ...
The value specified in the InfoType argument is not supported by either CLI or the data source. Restrictions None. Example /* get server name information */ cliRC = SQLGetInfo(hdbc, SQL_DBMS_NAME, imageInfoBuf, 255, &outlen); /* ... */ /* get client driver name information */ ...