1. A Low-Code Method Using Datameer (On Snowflake)Wondering if there is a way to get only DATE from the DATETIME in SQL Server with just a line of code?The answer is Datameer; a multi-persona SaaS data transformation tool that caters to your data modeling and transformations needs within...
SnowflakeV2Dataset SnowflakeV2LinkedService SchneeflakeV2Sink SnowflakeV2Source SparkAuthenticationType SparkBatchJob SparkBatchJobResultType SparkBatchJobState SparkConfiguration SparkConfigurationCreateOrUpdateSparkConfigurationOptionalParams SparkConfigurationCreateOrUpdateSparkConfigurationResponse SparkConfiguration...
Plays nicely with data warehouses:import events or user data from your warehouse by writing a simple transformation plugin, and export data with pre-built apps - such asBigQuery,Redshift,Snowflake, andS3 Check out the full list of PostHog features. ...
SnowflakeV2LinkedService Snowflake 鏈接服務。 SparkAuthenticationType 用來存取 Spark 伺服器的驗證方法。 SparkLinkedService Spark Server 連結服務。 SparkServerType Spark 伺服器的型別。 SparkThriftTransportProtocol 在Thrift 層中使用的傳輸通訊協定。 SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType Sql 一律加密 AKV 驗證類型。
SnowflakeV2Sink SnowflakeV2Source SparkAuthenticationType SparkConfigurationParametrizationReference SparkConfigurationReferenceType SparkJobReferenceType SparkLinkedService SparkObjectDataset SparkServerType SparkSource SparkThriftTransportProtocol SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType SqlAlwaysEncrypte...
We handled this by announcing an adapter to dbt that allows the running of pipelines defined in SQL in the dbt project on Apache Flink GitHub - getindata/dbt-flink-adapter. It is similar to other adapters that run dbt pipelines on Snowflake, Databricks, Bigquery and other data warehouses....
dateutil : 2.9.0.post0 setuptools : 69.0.3 pip : 24.0 Cython : None pytest : 8.0.2 hypothesis : None sphinx : None blosc : None feather : None xlsxwriter : None lxml.etree : None html5lib : None pymysql : None psycopg2 : 2.9.9 jinja2 : None IPython : None pandas_datareader :...
Source File: ResultSetIT.java From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 6 votes @Test public void testColumnMetaWithZeroPrecision() throws SQLException { Connection connection = getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute("create or replace table testCol...
Can't get my validated datetable 01-26-2024 01:36 AM Hi all, I'm having some issues with my datetable. Through Snowflake database connection I load my date dimmension table from my database. When I'm trying to make that table an official datetable, It validates my column, ...
@Override public Date getDate(int columnIndex, TimeZone tz) throws SQLException { raiseSQLExceptionIfResultSetIsClosed(); Object obj = getObjectInternal(columnIndex); if (obj instanceof Date) { return (Date) obj; } else { throw new SnowflakeSQLException(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_CONVERT, obj.get...