GET$top=1 Sample Response Status code: 200 JSON 复制 { "value": [ { "refreshType": "ViaApi", "startTime": "2017-06-13T09:25:43.153Z", "endTime": "2017-06-13T09:31:43.153Z...
GET Sample Response Status code: 200 JSON {"id":"cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229","name":"SalesMarketing","addRowsAPIEnabled":false,"configuredBy":"","isRefreshable":true,...
Power BI REST APIs API Version: v1.0 [マイ ワークスペース] から、指定したデータセットの更新スケジュールを返します。 必要なスコープ Dataset.ReadWrite.All または Dataset.Read.All HTTPコピー 使ってみる GET{datasetId}/refreshSchedule ...
OneDrive refresh history isn't returned. HTTP Kopiraj Isprobajte GET{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshes With optional parameters: HTTP Kopiraj GET{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshes?$top...
Solved: Can I get SQL query used to create a dataset in PowerBI using the powerbi report/dataset. I no longer have the desktop file (.pbix). I only
Cannot get data from Power BI dataset to Excel 05-03-2022 01:47 AM Hi, Im trying to connect to Power BI datasets from my excel desktop. It is telling me Signin unsuccessful - general error. I have tried everything but nothing helped. can you suggest any solution? ...
refreshParameters Method [AX 2012] SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.setupDependenciesRecursively Method [AX 2012] SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.stringControlModified Method [AX 2012] SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder::addDateControl Method [AX 2012] SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder::addDateEffectiveAsOfControl Method ...
SysGridToExcelStatusInterop Class [AX 2012] SysGSSearchCacheObject Class [AX 2012] SysGSSearchCategoriesHtml Class [AX 2012] SysGSSearchCategoriesResults Class [AX 2012] SysGSSearchRefreshResults Class [AX 2012] SysGSSearchResults Class [AX 2012] ...
GET{datasetId}/refreshes?$top={$top} URI Parameters Expand table NameInRequiredTypeDescription datasetId path True string The dataset ID $top query integer The requested number of entries in the refresh history. If not provided, the def...
GET{groupId}/datasets/cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229/refreshes?$top=1 Sample Response Status code: 200 JSON {"value": [ {"refreshType":"ViaApi","startTime":"2017-06-13T09:25:43.153Z","endTime":"2017-06-13T09:31:43.153Z"...