原因1:Failed to connect to the server or the response is insuccess. (连接LDAP服务器失败,或LDAP服务器回复了请求失败。) 原因2:The response's group data length is invalid. (LDAP服务器回复内容的数据长度无效。) 原因3:Failed to save the file to device. (保存文件到设备失败。) 可能原因 设备与...
If the user name is invalid or the password is incorrect, contact the device administrator to add a valid user name or provide you with the correct password. If the user name is valid and the password is correct, contact technical support personnel. Server no response The RADIUS or the HW...
object Schema of Response RequestId string 请求ID。 A2583E8B-B930-4F59-ADC0-0E209A90C46E Rule array 规则详细信息。 Rule object ID string 标识规则的唯⼀ID。 1 Expiration object 过期时间。 Days string 过期天数。 5 CreatedBeforeDate string 过期日期。 yyy-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Prefix string...
The ID of a day-level cycle is 1. 1 Examples Sample success responses JSONformat { "RequestId": "0000-ABCD-EFG***", "HttpStatusCode": 200, "ErrorMessage": "The specified parameters are invalid.", "ErrorCode": "Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists", "Success": true, "Data": { "Remin...
0:表示证书为未激活状态。 1:表示证书为激活状态。 说明 CA 证书注册后,默认为激活状态。 1 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 { "RequestId": "020F6A43-19E6-4B6E-B846-44EB31DF***", "Data": { "RegistrationCode": "13274673-8f90-4630-bea1-9cccb25756ad2089***", "CaName": "mqtt_ca", "Sn"...
addRequestModifier((request) { request.headers['apikey'] = '12345678'; return request; }); // Even if the server sends data from the country "Brazil", // it will never be displayed to users, because you remove // that data from the response, even before the response is delivered ...
InvalidOperationException 以前使用asyncResult调用此方法。 -或- ContentLength属性大于 0,但数据尚未写入请求流。 WebException 以前调用Abort()。 -或- 处理请求时出错。 ArgumentException 当前实例未从调用BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, Object)返回asyncResult。
The value for this input parameter is invalid. HTTP Status Code: 400 InvalidEndpointException Caller used wrong endpoint to write data to a stream. On receiving such an exception, the user must call GetDataEndpoint with APIName set to PUT_MEDIA and use the endpoint from response to invoke ...
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 256. Pattern:[\p{all}]* Request Body The request does not have a request body. Response Syntax HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json{"Policies": [{"DefaultPolicy":boolean, "Description": "string", "PolicyId": "string", ...
400 Bad Request, InvalidFlushPosition, "The uploaded data is not contiguous or the position query parameter value is not equal to the length of the file after appending the uploaded data." 400 Bad Request, InvalidHeaderValue, "The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct f...