currently you're getting the date in VB and sending it to the database. If you want the database to determine the time on it's own then just replace"','1','" & dateMade.ToString & "')")with"','1',GETDATE())")Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:38 PMIm thinking that the above ...
Button with Image and Text in ASP.NET C# Button.Enabled = false not working Button1 onclick problem C# - Dynamic return type in a function C# - What is the best way to return a single row? C# | How to store a line break in SQL database column properly C# Access Network Drive Witho...
$scheduler->rebuildDefaultSchedulers(); installerHook('post_createDefaultSchedulers');///create kb tag data.installLog("create kb tag default data"); KBTag::default_install_data();echo$mod_strings['LBL_PERFORM_DONE']; 開發者ID:jglaine,項目名稱:sugar761-ent,代碼行數:31,代碼來源:performSetup...
.getData('text') ||'';if(!paste.startsWith('data:image')) {return; }// 核心数据varbase64 = paste.split('base64,')[1];// 类型vartype= paste.split(';base64')[0].replace('data:','');// 获取 blob 数据varblob =b64toBlob(base64,type);// 设置个文件名,不然是
Dear Weex onException show code:-2013 and msg is "__WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT__TypeError: t[0].apply is not a function. (In 't[0].apply(t,t.slice(2))', 't[0].apply' is undefined) getTemplateInfo== template md5 d6e1a36b7e84509c17c4d60b7539d395...
The exception's call stack: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getParagraphMergedProperties') at Function
I downloaded the nightly build and got the error undefined symbol: gst_player_get_config when trying to run it on Ubuntu16.04. I've also tried building the nightly release which fails at: error: failed to run custom build command for moz...
config_data(1) conflict(1) conjure(1) constype(1) continue(1) convert(1) convmv(1) corelist(1) cp(1) cp(1g) cpack(1) cpan(1) cpan2dist(1) cpanp(1) cpio(1) cpp(1) cpp(1) cputrack(1) crle(1) crontab(1) cryptdir(1) csh(1) csplit(1) csplit(1g) cssh(1) ct(1C...
background-image:-webkit-cross-fade(url(),url(./2.jpg),50%) ; background-size: 100%; color: red; -webkit-text-emphasis:circle red; } </style> ...
textarea\n if (tinyMCE != undefined) {\n\n tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<p>'+tag[index].tag+'</p>');\n\n if (tinyMCE.imagePaste != undefined) {\n tinyMCE.imagePaste.pasteddata = undefined;\n tinyMCE.imagePaste.stockimage = undefined;\n }\n }\n...