import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import axios from "axios"; function App() { const [items, setItems] = useState([{}]); useEffect(() => { axios.get('/item').then(res => { ( => { setItems(prevItems => { return [...prevItems, ent...
在我的react项目中,我一直在使用axios来帮助从MongoDB获取数据。 当我添加身份验证中间件作为参数时,axios get请求返回401错误。此中间件要求用户在返回任何数据之前拥有一个有效的JWT令牌。 当使用Insomnia/Postman发出请求时,只要将用户令牌添加到请求标头中,我总是会得到所需的返回数据。然而,当我试图在reac...
When you are working in a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) stack app, you are often required to fetch a JSON of a Mongo collection and use that data on the frontend. With the popularity of NoSQL databases, it's really simple to fetch data from a Mongo collection via a Reac...
MariaDB MemSQL Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse / Synapse Microsoft Azure SQL Database Microsoft Azure Data Explorer / Kusto Microsoft SQL Server MongoDB MySQL Oracle Apache Phoenix Apache Pinot PostgreSQL Presto Prometheus Python Qubole Rockset
An upgraded and more modern version with full-stack monorepo, featuring an event-driven, highly scalable architecture using Node.js, React, Redis, MongoDB, and Docker is now available, check ...
self.db_movie = MongoClient().douban_moviepassdefsave_movie_in_theaters(self, data={"test_mylib":"true"}):result = self._save(self.db.movie_in_theaters, data)ifresult!=None: log.debug("insert movie_in_theaters id: %s"% result.inserted_id)returnresultdefsave_movie_top250(self, data...
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Atlas cluster running MongoDB version 5.0 or later. You can use a free shared M0 cluster to explore and develop your app. We recommend that you use a dedicated tier cluster (M10 and above) for production applications. You cannot use sync with aserverless instanceorFederated database instance....
Send GET Request with HTTP / Webhook API on New Collection from MongoDB API. Setup the MongoDB API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the HTTP / Webhook API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate MongoDB and HTTP / Web