第一:关于 get data from file(xxx.lua) failed/can not get file data of xxx.lua 这个问题,如下图: 此问题的原因是由于你自定义目录的原因形成的,将到目录,那么不得不说明下,在xcode中有两种颜色的文件夹,第一种 黄色 和 绿色 黄色文件夹:不带路径,直接添加到根目录的文件夹,也就是说没有...
if(pstrFileContent) { pEngine->executeString(pstrFileContent->getCString()); } #else std::string path = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename("himi.lua"); pEngine->addSearchPath(path.substr(0, path.find_last_of("/")).c_str()); pEngine->executeScriptFile(path.c_str())...
In cell K10 I have a drop list with files name (source is column C) is it possible to get the data from the selected file in the drop list? The target cell is always for example L10. So if I pick a different file name from the drop list I get the value of ...
filenames[THIEF_CREATE] = data->getStringFromFile("THIEF_CREATE","data/audio.txt"); filenames[EATER_CREATE] = data->getStringFromFile("EATER_CREATE","data/audio.txt"); filenames[DRONE_CREATE] = data->getStringFromFile("DRONE_CREATE","data/audio.txt");// check files existstringempty...
In cell K10 I have a drop list with files name (source is column C) is it possible to get the data from the selected file in the drop list? The target cell is always for example L10. So if I pick a different file name from the drop list I get the value of ...
In the folder and it has a lot of files (PDF file) and it names by date such as for example TONN 04 01 2021 (04(DD),01(MM),2021(YYYY), so the folder will have a lot of files from the month to month, Does any change that I only get the data in January 2021 ...
SQL_CATALOG_TERM 1.0 包含目录数据源供应商名称的字符串;例如,“database”或“directory”。 此字符串可以位于大写、小写或混合大小写中。如果数据源不支持目录,则返回空字符串。 若要确定是否支持目录,应用程序使用SQL_CATALOG_NAME信息类型调用 SQLGetInfo。 SQL-92 完全符合级别的驱动程序将始终返回“catalog”。
var data = GetDataFromExcelPC(excelFilePath, splitChar, sheetNumber); // returns array } function GetDataFromExcelPC(excelFilePath, splitChar, sheetNumber) { if (typeof splitChar === "undefined") var splitChar = ";"; if (typeof sheetNumber === "undefined") var sheetNumber = ...
This parameter was introduced in PowerShell 3.0. As of PowerShell 7.2,Get-Itemcan get alternative data streams from directories as well as files. For more information, seeabout_FileSystem_Provider. Type:String[] Position:Named Default value:No alternate file streams ...
File {1}.", dataset.DataSetName, xmlFileName); Console.WriteLine(); } } }// Use GetXml method to get the XML data of the dataset and then export to the file.publicstaticvoidGetXMLFromDataSet(DataSet dataset, String xmlFileName){using(StreamWriter writer =newStreamWriter(xmlFileName)) ...