Get data from Azure Event Hubs Get data from OneLake Get data from Eventstream Get data from Real-Time hub Configure KQL Database in a data pipeline Connect to KQL Database in dataflows Connectors Get data in Data Activator Store data Analyze and model data Visualize data Respond to data KQ...
Similar function:current_date. Thecurrent_datefunction is used to return the current date, in theyyyy-mm-ddformat. Syntax getdate() Parameters None Return Values The return value is of the STRING type, in theyyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ssformat. ...
{ "DataLakeSettings": { "AllowExternalDataFiltering": boolean, "AllowFullTableExternalDataAccess": boolean, "AuthorizedSessionTagValueList": [ "string" ], "CreateDatabaseDefaultPermissions": [ { "Permissions": [ "string" ], "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "string" } } ], "...
While populating a data lake, most applications partition the files based on certain fields, and this partition key is embedded in the directory structure (or path) of the files. Identifying the partition key columns improves understanding of the data and structure of the fi...
The Get-AzDataLakeAnalyticsJobPipeline gets a specified Azure Data Lake Analytics Job pipeline or a list of pipelines.
publicstaticAzure.ResourceManager.DataLakeAnalytics.DataLakeStoreAccountInformationResourceGetDataLakeStoreAccountInformationResource(thisAzure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id); Parâmetros client ArmClient AArmClientinstância em que o método será...
操作GetAccessControl(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) 返回路径的访问控制数据。 有关详细信息,请参阅 获取属性。
CloudError An error response from the Compute service. ComponentNames The component name. Currently, the only allowable value is Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup. DataDisk Specifies the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a virtual machine. For more information about disks, see About...
*DBClusterLakeVersion acs:adb:{#regionId}:{#AccountId}:dbcluster/{#DBClusterId} 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 OrderBy string 否 排序字段。类型取值: Asc; Desc; 域取值: -DatabseName; -CreateTime; -UpdateTime; 默认值:{"Type": "Desc","Field": "DatabaseName"}; { "Type": ...
Fig. 1: Overview of the creation and use of GGD data recipes. aGGD creates a data recipe from a Bash script, which defines the steps taken to access, process, and curate the desired data files. (1) The “ggd make-recipe” command incorporates the Bash script and additional auto-generated...