year, start.month)[1] return add_delta(start, datetime.timedelta(days=month_days)) Example 4Source File: From fb2cal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes def get_next_12_month_epoch_timestamps(): """ Returns array of epoch timestamps corresponding to the 1st day ...
python 开发语言 迭代 元组 转载 轩辕 2023-10-01 09:15:18 186阅读 javascript中date对象 javascript中date对象中get方法 一:获取时间1.创建时间对象:newDate(); 不传参的情况下,返回当前日期的对象 2.getFullYear:返回4位数的年份 3.getMonth:返回日期中的月份,返回值为0-11 4.getDate:返回月份中的天数 ...
Python | Get current time: In this tutorial, we will learn how to get the current time using Python program? By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 21, 2023 In Python, we can get the current time by using different methods. We are discussing three methods here....
print ("Today's date: = %s/%s/%s" % (, e.month, e.year)) print ("The current time is: = %s:%s:%s" % (e.hour, e.minute, e.second)) 3. Save the file and exit. 4. Run the file: python3 The system displays the date and time, the date, and the...
Example 2: Current date in different formats fromdatetimeimportdate today = dd/mm/YYd1 = today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")print("d1 =", d1)# Textual month, day and yeard2 = today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")print("d2 =", d2)# mm/dd/yd3 = today.strftime("%m/%d/%y"...
In the above example, %Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, and %S are format codes that represent year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, respectively. You can find a list of all available format codes in the Python documentation for the strftime() method....
year =0forvalueinvalues:ifvalue:try: year = int(value)except:passifnotyear: date = Date() year = int(date.get_year()) sobject = my.get_current_sobject() id = sobject.get_id() column = my.get_option("column") month = int( my.get_option('month') ) ...
location_ids = self.get_location_ids(current_submitting_group)ifnotlocation_ids:return{} on_time_date =get_business_day_of_month(self.start_date.year, self.start_date.month,13) query =""" SELECT status, status_value, COUNT(location_id) FROM ...
date1 = current_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") print("Date in date/month/year format =", date1) date2 = current_date.strftime("%B %d, %Y") print("Date in month/day/year format =", date2) date3 = current_date.strftime("%m/%d/%y") ...
2016-11-06 17:02 −MySql计算两个日期时间的差函数: 第一种:TIMESTAMPDIFF函数,需要传入三个参数,第一个是比较的类型,可以比较FRAC_SECOND、SECOND、 MINUTE、 HOUR、 DAY、 WEEK、 MONTH、 QUARTER或 YEAR几种类型,第二个和第三个参数是待比较的两个时间... ...