Simple question. I know how to get it in Angular, but I don't want to send the user id over the post to create a new resource because then any user can create a resource for any other user! I see there's a getUserFromToken middleware, an...
$currentUser = User::find(10); // Get ID of a User whose autoincremented ID is less than the current user, but because some entries might have been deleted we need to get the max available ID of all entries whose ID is less than current user's $previousUserID = User::where('id'...
Laravel中的路由功能还支持通配符子域名,你可以在域名中指定通配符参数: 注册子域名路由 代码如下: Route::group(array('domain' => '{account}'), function() { Route::get('user/{id}', function($account, $id) { // }); }); 路由前缀 可以通过prefix属性为组路由设置前缀: 为路由组设置...
Laravel从内部函数发送json响应 从bash脚本内部调用时,Python列表不排序 Django模型方法在从shell调用时返回正确的响应,但在从模板调用时不返回正确的响应 从代码调用时Web服务不返回数据 无法从函数返回响应 错误时从内部mongoose回调返回快速路由 为什么mySQL过程在从过程内部调用时返回null,而在其自身调用时不返回nul...
应用中的大多数路都会定义在 app/routes.php 文件中。最简单的Laravel路由由URI和闭包回调函数组成。 基本GET 路由 代码如下: Route::get('/', function() { return 'Hello World'; }); 基本POST 路由 代码如下: Route::post('foo/bar', function() ...
laravel框架 , 前台使用ajax提交表单数据,当type: 'get'时,后台可以通过$request->user()->id 获取到用户id,但是当type: 'post'时,后台通过$request->user()->id 报错500.routes.php
$paginator =new LengthAwarePaginator($item, $total, $perPage, $currentPage, [ 'path' => Paginator::resolveCurrentPath(), //注释2 'pageName' => 'page', ]); $userlist = $paginator->toArray()['data']; return view('userlist', compact('userlist', 'paginator')); ...
$current_user = $user->getUser(); $todo =newtodo\Todo(); $task = $user->getTask(); $data =array(); $data['title'] ='Sample TODO App';// $data['firstname'] = $current_user->getName();// $data['task'] = $task->getTaskName();$data['message'] ='Here is a message ...
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind. - skipperbent/simple-php-router
Step 2: Define User Model Next, you need to define a User model. You can use Laravel's default User model, or you can create your own. In either case, you should ensure that the User model has a relationship with the Role model. ...