Simple question. I know how to get it in Angular, but I don't want to send the user id over the post to create a new resource because then any user can create a resource for any other user! I see there's a getUserFromToken middleware, an...
列举laravel 500错误的原因:1、使用了错误的路由你这个是路由只能接受get请求;2、CSRF令牌csrf令牌是必须携带的;//1、你可以在heade头中设置// 2、你可以在表单中设置// 3、你可以在ajax数据中直接使用$.ajax({ url: "route", method: "POST", data:&...
$currentUser = User::find(10); // Get ID of a User whose autoincremented ID is less than the current user, but because some entries might have been deleted we need to get the max available ID of all entries whose ID is less than current user's $previousUserID = User::where('id'...
当使用->get()方法时,如果没有匹配的数据,它将返回一个空的集合对象,而不是null。空的集合对象是Laravel中的一个特殊数据类型,它表示没有找到任何匹配的结果。 空的集合对象可以通过isEmpty()方法进行检查,以确定是否有数据返回。如果isEmpty()方法返回true,则表示没有找到匹配的数据。
Route::get('user/{id}', function($id) { return 'User '.$id; }); 可选路由参数 代码如下: Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = null) { return $name; }); 带有默认值的可选路由参数 代码如下: Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = 'John') ...
Route::get('user/{id}', function($id) { return 'User '.$id; }); 可选路由参数 代码如下: Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = null) { return $name; }); 带有默认值的可选路由参数 代码如下: Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = 'John') ...
Laravel request()->getHost() Inherited from Symfony, therequest()->getHostfunction has been secure since the patching of CVE-2013-4752 in 2013. Drupal The current installer does not address the security concern highlighted in issue #2404259. However, Drupal 8 provides relevant documentation that...
开发者ID:Colls, 示例2: index ▲ publicfunctionindex(){ $user =newUser(); $config =newConfig(); $current_user = $user->getUser(); $todo =newtodo\Todo(); $task = $user->getTask(); $data =array(); $data['title'] ='Sample TODO App';// $data['firstname'] = $current_user...
LaravelLogger\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelLoggerController@restoreClearedActivityLog | web,auth,activity,role:admin | | | POST | avatar/upload | avatar.upload | App\Http\Controllers\ProfilesController@upload | web,auth,activated,currentUser,activity,twostep,checkblocked | | | GET|HEAD | blocker | ...
In this guide, we will share with you 2 ways to get the user agent from Request in laravel. Thanks to laravel which provides in-build Request class, which will allow us to get the user-agent.