I am using MS Access 2010. While using MS Access 2003 we were used Environ('UserName') to get the Login UserID but this is not working in MS Access 2010 and also giving an error.Thursday, April 25, 2013 5:34 AMCurrentUser method to return the name of the current user of the data...
I´m trying to get the Current User Id so I can make a search in my Users object to find witch user is logged in. I try the following code:复制 public async Task<IActionResult> login(Login login) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var result = await login_Manager.PasswordSignInAsync(...
WithUserId IssueContract.Update IssueContract.UpdateStages IssueContract.UpdateStages.WithApiId IssueContract.UpdateStages.WithCreatedDate IssueContract.UpdateStages.WithDescription IssueContract.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch IssueContract.UpdateStages.WithState IssueContract.UpdateStages.WithTitle IssueContrac...
IVsUserContextItemProvider IVsUserContextUpdate IVsUserSettings IVsUserSettings2 IVsUserSettings3 IVsUserSettingsMigration IVsUserSettingsQuery IVsVba IVsWebAppMigration IVsWebBrowser IVsWebBrowserUser IVsWebBrowserUser2 IVsWebBrowsingService IVsWebFavorites IVsWebMigration IVsWebMigrationService IVsWebPreview ...
GetOpenFilename 方法的语法:Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter,FilterIndex,Title,ButtonText,MultiSelect)其中:⚫ 参数 FileFilter,字符串,指定文件筛选条件,即出现在“打开”对话框中“文件类型”下拉列表中的内容,由文件筛选字符串和通配符表示的文件筛选规则说明组成,其中每一部分和每一对都用逗号隔开。“...
GetUserID 方法示例 下列示例创建ESignature对象,检查节点是否启用了电子签名,取得用户ID,检查用户是否有权访问“电子签名禁止”应用特性,并检查用户是否有权访问安全区域。 Dim ESig As Object Dim bNodeSignEnabled As Boolean Dim UserName As String Dim PassWord As String...
UICONTEXT_DesignMode Design mode is in effect. UICONTEXT_NoSolution There is no current solution. UICONTEXT_EmptySolution There are no current projects. The user has created a blank solution. UICONTEXT_SolutionHasSingleProject The current solution has one project. UICONTEXT_SolutionHasMu...
UICONTEXT_DesignMode Design mode is in effect. UICONTEXT_NoSolution There is no current solution. UICONTEXT_EmptySolution There are no current projects. The user has created a blank solution. UICONTEXT_SolutionHasSingleProject The current solution has one project. UICONTEXT_SolutionHasMulti...
此处略去100行 colorDict("青绿") = rgb(127, 255, 212) colorDict("青绿色") = rgb(127, 255, 212) colorDict("Aquamarine") = rgb(127, 255, 212) '根据输入的颜色名称获取颜色值 Dim colorValue As Long colorName = LCase(colorName) For Each dictKey In colorDict.keys ...
For Each dictKey In colorDict.keys If LCase(dictKey) = colorName Then colorValue = colorDict(dictKey) Exit For End If Next dictKey GetColor = colorValue End Function 还有一个过程,跟这个函数的使用关系不大,把对照表转换成代码字符串用的: ...