public static string GetRelativeScrollPosition(ListViewBase listViewBase, ListViewItemToKeyHandler itemToKeyHandler); 参数 listViewBase ListViewBase ListView 对象。 itemToKeyHandler ListViewItemToKeyHandler 将处理项键的检索的方法。 返回 String ListView 的相对滚动位置。 适用于 产品版本 WinRT Build 1024...
{ scrollTop: number; scrollTopWithoutViewZones: number; scrollLeft: number; } {constcurrentScrollPosition =this.scrollable.getFutureScrollPosition();letscrollTop = currentScrollPosition.scrollTop;letfirstLineNumberInViewport =this._linesLayout.getLineNumberAtOrAfterVerticalOffset(scrollTop);letwhit...
getCurrentPosition 获取当前位置 单次定位APP开发接入百度地理定位功能 单次定位,返回 BD09ll 百度经纬度坐标,可以直接标记在百度地图上。 核心代码示例,详情参阅demo $("#cnt").hide();varresult=$("#result").text("定位中...");$('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$('#view').offset().top},1200)...
CArsOle * pArsCtrl; CScrollBar * pHorzScollBar, * pVertScrollBar; short rc;VARIANThorz_position, vert_position; . . rc = pArsCtrl->SetDocCurrentPage( 46 ); if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS ) ERROR; . . rc = pArsCtrl->GetDocScrollPositions( &horz_position, &vert_position ); if...
true;this.mLayoutState.mAvailable =0;this.mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition = anchorPosition;intstartExtra =0;intendExtra =0;if(isSmoothScrolling()) {inttargetPos = state.getTargetScrollPosition();if(targetPos != -1) {booleanz2;booleanz3 =this.mShouldReverseLayout;if(targetPos < anchor...
在 React 应用中,我们经常需要根据用户的点击事件来执行相应的操作。在某些情况下,我们需要获取用户点击...
Call GetDeviceScrollPosition when you need the current horizontal and vertical positions of the scroll boxes in the scroll bars.复制 CPoint GetDeviceScrollPosition( ) const; Return ValueThe horizontal and vertical positions (in device units) of the scroll boxes as a CPoint object....
In this tutorial we will show you the solution of JavaScript get scroll position of div, when creating a browser user interface, you may come across an element that can be scrolled, and it's typical to want to know how much horizontal and vertical scroll
IUIAutomationDockPattern::get_CachedDockPosition 方法 IUIAutomationDockPattern::get_CurrentDockPosition 方法 IUIAutomationDockPattern::SetDockPosition 方法 IUIAutomationDragPattern 接口 IUIAutomationDropTargetPattern 接口 IUIAutomationElement 接口 IUIAutomationElement2 接口 ...
SCROLLINFO si; case WM_HSCROLL: switch(LOWORD(wparam)) { case SB_THUMBTRACK: // Initialize SCROLLINFO structure ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_TRACKPOS; // Call GetScrollInfo to get current tracking // position in si.nTrackPos if (!GetScrollInfo...