Cmd* cmd = Cmd::Instance();if(!GetParams()->empty()) { Fs::Path path = GetParams()->front(); Fs::Object* obj = cmd->GetCurrentPath(); obj = cmd->GetWorkPath(&path);if(obj) cmd->SetCurrentPath(obj); }returntrue; } 开发者ID:footnoise,项目名称:mazzy,代码行数:18,代码来源...
How to get the controller and action names or even the route name from an absolutepath? How to get the Controller name and methods name from the request URL. How to get the current user in DbContext? How to get the Device Type In MVC How to get the div tag value how to get the ...
GetCurrentElementValue GetCurrentSelection IsCmdUIContextActive SetCmdUIContext UnadviseSelectionEvents IVsMonitorSelection2 IVsMonitorUserContext IVsMRESearchProvider IVsMRUItemsStore IVsMSBuildHostObject IVsMSBuildTaskFileManager IVsMultiItemSelect IVsMultiViewDocumentView IVsNavigateToService IVsNavigateTo...
For example the current directory is %SystemRoot%\System32 on running a batch file as administrator or as scheduled task with system account or %SystemRoot% on double clicking on a batch file on a network resource accessed using a UNC path. Let us assume there is C:\fo...
-Path指定一或多個位置的路徑。 接受通配符。 預設位置為目前目錄 (.)。 展開表格 類型: String[] Position: 0 預設值: Current directory 必要: False 接受管線輸入: True 接受萬用字元: True-ReadOnly備註 此參數僅適用於 FileSystem 提供者。 若要只取得只讀專案,請使用 ReadOnly 參數或 Att...
Import-CMDriver Import-CMDriverPackage Import-CMPackage Import-CMQuery Import-CMSecurityRole Import-CMSoftwareLicense Import-CMTaskSequence Import-CMUserDeviceAffinity Import-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem Install-CMClient Install-CMSiteUpdate Invoke-CMAnalyzePackage Invoke-CMBaselineSummarization Invoke-CMClient...
In a batch file, you can use the %~dp0 special variable to get the directory of the currently executing batch file. Here's how you can do it: @echo off echo The directory of this batch file is: %~dp0 When you run this batch file, it will display the directory where the batch ...
Pathcch.h Profinfo.h Propidl.h Propkeydef.h Propsys.h Reconcil.h Scrnsave.h Shappmgr.h Shdeprecated.h Shellapi.h Shellscalingapi.h Shidfact.h Shimgdata.h Shldisp.h Shlobj.h Shlobj_core.h Shlwapi.h Shobjidl.h Shobjidl_core.h 概述 _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS 枚举 _EXPCMDSTATE 枚举 _EXPLORER...
Diagnostic data directory path (CF_DIAGPATH) =/home/hotel67/db2inst1/sqllib/ $mCurrent member resolved CF_DIAGPATH=/home/hotel67/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/DIAG0000/ 下列範例是在 Windows 作業系統上執行GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION指令之後的輸出範例: ...
{ std::string ret = getexecname(); if (ret.empty()) { return detail::executable_path_fallback(argv0); } boost::filesystem::path p(ret); if (!p.has_root_directory()) { boost::system::error_code ec; p = boost::filesystem::canonical( p, boost::filesystem::current_path(), ...