SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN 0 SQL_PROCEDURE_TERM 空字符串SQLGetInfo 为InfoType 的值返回SQLSTATE HY096 (参数值无效),这些值属于保留供 ODBC 使用的信息类型范围,但不由驱动程序支持的 ODBC 版本定义。 若要确定驱动程序符合的 ODBC 版本,应用程序使用SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER信息类型调用 SQLGetInfo。 SQLGetInf...
SQL_SQ_INSQL_SQ_QUANTIFIEDSQL_SQ_CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES位掩碼表示支援子查詢的所有述詞都支援相互關聯的子查詢。SQL-92 入門層級一致性驅動程式一律會傳回位掩碼,其中已設定所有這些位。 SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS 1.0 SQLUINTEGER 位掩碼,列舉驅動程式和相關聯數據源所支援的純量系統函式。下列位掩碼可用來判斷支援...
SQL Copy --Use a filtered condition to separate hot data in a rowstore table -- from "warm" data in a columnstore index. -- create the table CREATE TABLE orders ( AccountKey int not null, Customername nvarchar (50), OrderNumber bigint, PurchasePrice decimal (9,2), OrderStatus small...
Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn ( 'capture_instance_name' ) 参数 “capture_instance_name” 捕获实例的名称。capture_instance_name为sysname。 返回类型 binary(10) 注解 当捕获实例不存在或调用方未获得访问与该捕获实例关联的更改数据的授权时,将返回 0x00000000000000000000。
In addition, the script tells you if the process is blocked, what hostname it's running from, who's running it, and what application it is. We're also using the built-in SQL Server function db_name, which takes an integer as its argument and returns the human-readable name of the ...
CertCommonName string 开启SSL 加密的代理连接地址。 test1234.rwlb.rds.aliyuncs.com DbInstanceName string 实例ID。 rm-t4n3a*** EndpointName string 代理连接地址名称。 bu*** EndpointType string 默认代理连接地址终端标识。当前唯一取值:RWSplit。 RWSplit SslExpiredTime string 证书过期时间。 2021-12-16T...
Driver string MongoDB 驱动。 mongo-java-driver|legacy@3.11.2 OsType string 系统类型。 Linux OsName string 系统名。 Linux OsArch string 系统架构。 AMD64 Platform string 平台。 Java/Alibaba/1.8.0_152-b5 KillPending boolean 该操作是否被标记为终止: true:是。 false:否。 true Shard string 分片...
Get-SqlAgent[[-Path] <String>] [-AccessToken <PSObject>] [-TrustServerCertificate] [-HostNameInCertificate <String>] [-Encrypt <String>] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Get-SqlAgent[[-InputObject] <Server>] [-AccessToken <PSObject>] [-TrustServerCertificate] [-HostNameInCertificate <String...
I have many scripts where I pass the object name and I need to check where the name passed is valid (exists in the current database) or not. some are failing when I pass the tablename usr.user as a parameter. so I had a look as how sql server does this, using sp...
Max number of concurrently active databases (NUMDB) = 1 Federated Database System Support (FEDERATED) = NO Transaction processor monitor name (TP_MON_NAME) = Default charge-back account (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) = Java Development Kit installation path (JDK_PATH) = /home/db2inst1/sqllib/java/jdk64...