getCurrentCell()是一个函数,用于获取当前单元格的内容。然而,在这个特定的情况下,它没有返回任何内容。这可能是由于以下几种原因: 单元格为空:如果当前单元格没有任何内容,getCurrentCell()函数将返回空值或空字符串。 错误的单元格引用:如果函数的参数指定的单元格引用错误或超出了有效范围,getCurrentCell()函数可...
1Description 2Syntax 3Parameters 4Return 5Examples 6Remark 7See Also 8header to Included Description It retrieve the location of the cursor on the active sheet. Syntax intGetCurrentCell(int&nRow,int&nCol,BOOLbTranslate=true) Parameters nRow ...
1 Excel VBA working with current cell selection 2 How to get VBA function in Excel to return value of active cell? 1 Excel: Passing the current cell as argument when calling vba function from worksheet 0 how to get name of cell in excel with vba 0 Extract current cell address Ho...
public String getCurrentCellValue() Return Value Returns a string that represents the formatted data value of the current cell. Exceptions WFCInvalidArgumentExceptionthrown if theDataGridcontrol is not bound. See AlsosetCurrentCellValue
GetCell 是文本函数,它从网格返回数据值。 语法: <<GetCell("GridName", Row, Column, Page)>> 参数说明 GridName 网格名称或 Current 关键字。 Row 表示网格行数的数值。网格中第一行的索引为一,第二行的索引为二,依此类推。也可以使用 Current 关键字。 Column 表示网格的列的字母。网格中第一列的索引...
In this method the ROW, INDEX, and MATCH functions are used in combination to get the Row number of the Current cell. Steps: Select a cell where you want to keep the Row Number. Use the following formula in the D5 cell. =ROW(INDEX($B$5:$B$11, MATCH("January", $B$5:$B$11,...
privatevoidgetCurrentCellButton_Click(objectsender, System.EventArgs e){stringmsg = String.Format("Row: {0}, Column: {1}", dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex, dataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex); MessageBox.Show(msg,"Current Cell"); } ...
<<GetCell("GridName", Row, Column, Page)>> 인수설명 GridName 그리드 이름 또는 Current 키워드입니다. Row 그리드의 행 번호를 나타내는 숫자 값입니다. 그리드의 첫 번째 행은 인덱스 1, 두 번째 행...
Get current time zone and display in cell with User-defined function The following user-defined function will help you to display the current time zone of system directly in needed cells in Excel. Please do as follows. 1. Press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for ...
First I am selection Cell ( Row =1 and Column = 5) the value i am passing is Row = 1 and Column name = getCurrentCellColumn() ( Column Name). This value we received okay because the cell is highlighted. After that we are invoking getCellMaxLength Method then this exception raised....