Fortunately, getting a credit card when you have no credit history is possible. What you’ll learn: Having no credit history is also known as being credit invisible. It means you haven’t had information about how you’ve managed debt reported to at least one of the three major credit b...
Get a secured credit card. Get a retail credit card. Consider alternative credit cards. Become an authorized user. Read on to learn about the effect your credit history has on credit card approvals, how credit-building cards can help and how to get a credit card with no credit history. ...
Treat your first credit card as a tool to establish a solid credit history through good financial habits. Getting approved for your first credit card absolutely is possible, even with no credit history. Shop around strategically to get started, be a responsible borrower, and be patient as your...
Many times, consumers with no credit history are new to the world of credit. They can find themselves in a Catch-22 scenario, says Jennifer Tescher, president and CEO of the Center for Financial Services Innovation in Chicago. "You need to have a credit history to get credit," she says....
» MORE: Review of the Varo Believe Secured Credit Card Other options American Express credit cards could also be options for immigrants and expats in the United States with no credit history here. Typically, any credit history you may have built in your native country will not follow you to...
Credit cards can be an essential financial tool, whether you use it to pay for everyday expenses or help finance bigger one-time purchases. If you've decided to get a new credit card, follow these steps on how to open one today.
Getting your first credit card can be about more than just qualifying for it. Learn how to start building credit with your first credit card.
If you’re applying for a business credit card with bad credit or no credit history, consider applying for a secured business credit card. A secured card is a viable way to improve your credit score and access credit. Secured business credit cards have the following parameters: The credit ...
What Is the Easiest Credit Card to Get With No Credit or Thin Credit? Having no credit means you don't have any credit history at all. A thin credit file means you have some credit history, but it's not enough togenerate a credit score. In either case, you could be "invisible" to...
A secured credit card can be a great option for people with new or challenged credit. But can you apply for it with no credit check? Learn more here.