Walgreens pharmacists can now prescribe Paxlovid to help treat COVID-19. Learn more today and see if you are eligible for the antiviral treatment.
Some doctors say it might make sense to plan a booster shot for late summer so it reaches maximum efficacy in the fall, when cases of COVID could rise. Monty Rakusen "COVID-19 has had a really disproportionate impact on people 65 and older," he said. "One in 100[senio...
This includes locations such as CVS, Walgreens and other pharmacies and clinics. People looking for no-cost locations near them can use the CDC's testing locator website. Some city and state health departments also have their own COVID testing programs. ...
Some Walgreens locations can get your test results backwithin hoursof being administered. However, it depends on the test kit that's used. Once your results are available, your doctor will contact you to let you know if you've tested positive or negative for COVID-19. You...