Az.SelfHelp Az.ServiceBus Az.ServiceFabric Az.ServiceLinker Az.SignalR Az.Sphere Az.SpringCloud Az.Sql Az.SqlVirtualMachine Az.Ssh Az.StackHCI Az.StackHCIVM Az.StandbyPool Az.Storage Az.儲存體 Action Az.儲存體 Cache Az.儲存體 Mover ...
894,127 as compared to the same period for the prior year. The increase was mainly attributed to the larger sales volume and the cost reduction from production cost of our self-produced drug, Huoliyuan capsules. The percentage of our cost of sales over the sales of the Huoliyuan...
模組: Az.Attestation 從Azure 證明 中的租使用者取得原則。 Syntax PowerShell 複製 Get-AzAttestationPolicy [-Name] <String> [-ResourceGroupName] <String> -Tee <String> [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell 複製 Get-AzAttestationPolicy...
模块: Az.Attestation 从Azure 证明中的租户获取受信任的策略签名者。 语法 PowerShell 复制 Get-AzAttestationPolicySigners [-Name] <String> [-ResourceGroupName] <String> [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell 复制 Get-AzAttestationPolicySigners [-ResourceId] <Str...