CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_count( TEXT, TEXT ) RETURNS TABLE(t_column_name TEXT, t_count BIGINT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE p_schema TEXT := $1; p_tabname TEXT := $2; v_sql_statement TEXT; BEGIN SELECT STRING_AGG( 'SELECT ''' || column_...
SELECTid1,count(id3)AStotal_count,count(DISTINCTid3)ASunique_count, (total_count-unique_count)ASrepeated_countFROMeventsGROUPBYid1; If yougroup by id1, id3like this: SELECTid1, id3,COUNT(*) counterFROMeventsGROUPBYid1, id3; you get the number of rows for each combination ofid1, id3: N...
are you trying to count the number of rows in your table in SQL using linq?Yes, you are right. But I want the count value to be fetched as if its value is in one of the columns of the table.I mean, in my var variable I want Count=1(any numeric value). The above query will...
Count the number of rows in each Table So we can list all tables of a SQL Server database, identifying the size to each table we need to run something other than a COUNT method on SELECT statement. There are two ways to obtain this information: ...
(footerTemplate.FindControl("lblTotal")asLabel).Text = dtOrders.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }privateDataTableGetData(stringquery){stringconstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString;using(SqlConnection con =newSqlConnection(constr)) ...
Does anyone know where to get the message that zero rows were updated in T-SQL? Yes, you need to capture and return the rows affected in the procedure, like this: CREATE TABLE #t (a int); GO CREATE PROCEDURE dotest @RowCnt int OUTPUT ...
Can we generate pipe delimited column through SQL query Can we optimise While Loop in sql server for large number of data? Can we pass parameters to the trigger?(Beginner) Can we RAISERROR inside MERGE Statement Can we select Bottom 1000 rows of a dat...
the Upline column is connected to ST_ID column, and you want to find the sum and count group...
here I give you a tip to read when I show you how to create a report of disk space. Of course you can try to use that template and create your own report disk space by table or any other of the possibilities that give us sp_rows stored procedure:Create SQL Server Disk Space Report...
method using the @Rank variable, it won't work as you've written it, because the values of ...