SigninCount: Number of sign-ins per application. ADAL Version: Specific version of ADAL used by the application. IP Address: Displays the client's IP address from which the sign-in attempt originated. Location: Provides the city, state, country/region and from where the sign-in re...
Get a list of recipients for a specific document. Get template fields Receive a list of fields for a specific template. Get template pricing tables Receive a list of pricing-table items for a specific template. Get template roles Receive a list of roles for a specific template. Get user ...
2. Python Get Index of min() of List We can use the Pythonmin()function to get the minimum element and use thelist.index() methodto get the index position of the minimum element by passing the minimum value to theindex()method. Theindex()returns the index position of the input value ...
To find the length of a dictionary, Python provides a built-in function calledlen(). This function returns the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary. Syntax: len(dictionary) Thelen()function takes a dictionary as its argument and returns the number of items (key-value pairs) in the ...
To extract a list of unique values in Excel, use one of the following formulas. Arrayunique values formula (completed by pressingCtrl + Shift + Enter): =IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$A$10, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1,$A$2:$A$10) + (COUNTIF($A$2:$A$10, $A$2:$A$10)<>1), 0))...
The sum() function is a built-in function inPythonthat efficiently sum up a list of elements in thedictionary. Code Snippet: d = {'Emp_name':'Abhishek','Age':28,'Profession':'Engineer'} l =sum(1forkeyind)print("The length of the dictionary is:", l) ...
Get a list of recipients for a specific document. Get template fields Receive a list of fields for a specific template. Get template pricing tables Receive a list of pricing-table items for a specific template. Get template roles Receive a list of roles for a specific template. Get user ...
so start fromf(1)and work your way up with Dynamic programming. this solution in the worst case isO(n^2)and this happens when your list hasO(n)items. Solution would be something like this: answers = [] lst = [1,2] number = 5 ...
File"---/numpy/core/", line57,in_count_reduce_items items *= arr.shape[ax] IndexError:tupleindex out ofrange I tried casting my object to np.array but this made no difference. As I commented, this is a minimal reproduce of my problem: ...
Adding data to new cells in a new column in DataGrid with C# Adding Drag/Drop to a text box Adding Drag/Drop/Resizable Selection Rectangle to Image Editor Adding if condition as if button not clicked Adding Image to the DataTable Adding item to the static class of List Adding Items to en...