Getting your high school diploma may be an exciting experience as you're finishing up your high school career, but after a few years or a few moves, you may find you can no longer locate your diploma. Though a diploma's value is largely sentimental, you
Related How to Get a Copy of a GED in Iowa You have landed a new job, but before you can start, your employer has asked to see proof of your high school diploma. It doesn't matter if you graduated a month ago or a few years ago, you can still obtain a copy of your high ...
If you currently attend the high school you'd like a transcript from, then you're in luck because that makes it pretty simple to get your transcript. First, stop by your guidance counselor's office and ask him or her how you can request a copy of your high school transcript. Your coun...
How do I get my diploma once I pass the GED? The process for obtaining your diploma and transcript after passing the GED test will vary depending on where you live. Many states use GED Credentialing. This system allows you to automatically get a digital copy of your diploma and transcript....
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Continue reading: What Subjects Are on the GED Test in California? What Does GED Stand For? GED stands for the General Educational Development exam that serves as an equivalency to a high school diploma. Learn more about its content and format here. Take the GED exam with confidence Try...
In every state, you must be at least 18 years old and have either a GED or high school diploma to apply for a real estate license. Also, you should be authorized to work in the United States, and many states require you to be an in-state resident. ...
Known last year as "Uptown Get Down," the festival - presented by Unleashed Entertainment, FUSE, and The Emerald of Siam - has rebranded and expanded to truly celebrate the Eastern Washington community. Ten stages will be spread across Richland with amazing artists and performers for all tastes...
If they hang around long enough to get a high school diploma, have they any hope of getting a permanent job that pays a decent wage? We are not doing these students a favor by passing them, even if they have not learned the work; we are cheating them....
Qualifications can vary widely depending on the role in the cannabis industry. Entry-level positions, such as trimmers or budtenders, usually only require a high school diploma or equivalent, while roles in extraction, cultivation, or product development may benefit from higher education in fields ...