The graph is simple. I already had the coordinates of some points(xb,yb), and plotted the graph usingline(xb, yb). Now I need to find the coordinates of all the points on the plotted lines in order to get the intersection points of these lines with another defi...
If I want to plot additional lines on this figure, or add text using text() function, I need to reference the (x,y) position on the bar graph. However, I'm limited in which x-positions I choose, since vector a only references x positions at the center of each category. Is t...
If your graph is unprojected, then they are in lat-lon (degree units). If you've projected your graph, then x and y are your projected node coordinates (in meters or whatever units your projected coordinate system uses) and the nodes will also have additional lat and lon attributes that ...
How do I find a picture/image on the screen and get the x,y coordinates? - C#.NET How do i find the middle point/s coordinates between two points? How do I fix error await operator can only be used within an async method? how do I get from bindingsource the value of a particular...
The answer to your question is that you already have "a" and "b" so you have the "x,y coordinates" that you're requesting. Like Zoltan already told you, there is no need to call get() to extract it from the plot when it was ...
{ "type": "home", "postOfficeBox": null, "street": "221B Baker Street", "city": "London", "state": null, "countryOrRegion": "United Kingdom", "postalCode": "E14 3TD" }, "geoCoordinates": null } ], "anniversaries": [ { "id": "0fb4c1e3-c1e3-0fb4-e3c1-b40fe3c1b40f"...
{ "street":"900Broadway", "city":"Seattle", "state":"WA", "countryOrRegion":"UnitedStates", "postalCode":"" }, "coordinates":{ "latitude":47.6105, "longitude":-122.321} }, "attendees":[ ], "organizer":{ "emailAddress":{ "name":"SamanthaBooth", "address":" GetGraphPoints::GetCursorPos Description Gets the XY coordinates of the cursor during GetPoints process. It is only useful when called from within an event method of a derived class. Optionally returns the row index of the point from the plot source data sheet....
0000000", "timeZone": "UTC" }, "location": { "displayName": "", "locationType": "default", "uniqueIdType": "unknown", "address": {}, "coordinates": {} }, "locations": [], "recurrence": null, "attendees": [ { "type": "required", "status": { "response": "none", "...
public void hoverOverGraphPointAtXAxisPosition(int pointNumber) { int xRect = ((Locatable) rectElement).getCoordinates().inViewPort().getX(); int yRect = ((Locatable) rectElement).getCoordinates().inViewPort().getY(); int xHoverPoint = xRect + getPlotOffset().getX() + getPlotPoint(po...