On : 8.0 version, InnoDB clusterAfter dissolving the cluster and rebuild it again with another name, below error is observed when trying to query any of cluster functions through mysqlsh.Dba.getCluster: Subquery returns more than 1 row (RuntimeError)...
Azure SDK for .NET Legacy, Latest GetClusterHealthAsync(TimeSpan, CancellationToken) 使用指定的超时和取消令牌异步获取 Service Fabric 群集的运行状况。 C# 复制 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Fabric.Health.ClusterHealth> GetClusterHealthAsync (TimeSpan timeout, System.Threading.CancellationTo...
The useless error messages should not be included into the cluster specs used in some internal communication between Rancher and the managed cluster. Error entries about snapshots should be automatically deleted after some retention time. If snapshots are to be kept for 4 days, then the retention ...
errors ODataError[] 错误数组。 如果已提交,则会忽略这一点。 input MongoDbConnectionInfo 描述与 MongoDB 数据源的连接 output MongoDbClusterInfo[] 包含单个 MongoDbClusterInfo 对象的数组 state TaskState 任务的状态。 如果已提交,则会忽略这一点。 taskType string: Connect.MongoDb 任务类型。 Connect...
- cluster: # needed if you get error "Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: name: kubernetes contexts: - context: cluster: kubernetes ...
ClusterName string 集群名称。 myCluster Region string 集群所在地域,MSE 支持的地域。 cn-hangzhou K8sVersion string k8s 版本。 1.20.11-aliyun.1 NamespaceInfos string 命名空间信息。 [{\"Name\":\"ack-onepilot\",\"Tags\":null},{\"Name\":\"default\",\"Tags\":{\"mse-enable\":\"enabled...
, "Code": 200, "Success": true, "Data": [ { "Name": "k8s-demo", "Cluster": "cbc1efca895a64af097ff00b26f3f***" } ] } 错误码 HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述 400 IllegalRequest Invalid request:%s 非法请求: %s 400 InvalidParameter Parameter error:%s 请求参数错误:%s 403 NoPerm...
执行./spark-submit --class yourclassname --master yarn-cluster /yourdependencyjars任务以yarn-cluster模式提交任务,driver端会在集群中启用,由于加载的是客户端的spark.driver.extraJavaOptions,在集群节点上对应路径下找不到对应的kdc.conf文件,无法获取kerberos认证所需信息,导致am启动失败。
I spend more than 2 days trying to install a new cluster with installation scripts. Since it wasn't working (I always get the error "Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks"), I try to reinstall all manually. But even when I do it manually I am still getting the sam...
Get-ClusterResource : An error occurred while retrieving the private properties for the resource 'Cluster Virtual Disk (virtual disk name)'. Cluster properties cannot be returned at this time At line:1 char:26 + get-virtualdiskv...