他山之石——使用VBA获取单元格信息(Get range info with VBA) 突然有点明白为什么单元格叫做“cell”了,正如细胞是构成生物体的基本单位,单元格就是Excel中存储信息的基本单位。这注定了单元格对象是一个内涵丰富的对象。正如以下代码所示,有很多知识点我也是第一次碰到。看来,主动学习还是很重要的。 Option Explic...
Method 1 – Get the Row and Column Numbers from a Specific Cell Address Using VBA in Excel Task: Get the row and column number of cell B4 using VBA in Excel. Solution: We’ll use the Range.Row property and Range.Column property in our VBA code to get the row and column number of...
按其他+F11同时打开Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序窗口。 2.在Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序窗口,在左窗格中双击当前使用工作表的名称以打开代码编辑器,然后将下面的VBA代码复制并粘贴到代码编辑器中。 VBA代码:获取活动单元的地址 SubselectRange()MsgBox ActiveCell.AddressEndSub Copy 3.然后点击运行按钮运行代码。 4...
Navigate to cellD6and type in the below formula: =CellValue(D4,D5) Press theEnterkey and theVBAfunction will find the cell value accordingly. Download Practice Workbook You can download the practice workbook from here. Cell Value by Address.xlsm Related Articles How to Use Cell Address in ...
1 - 返回绝对引用//引用样式由Excel参数决定,可以用工作表函数CELL('address');CELL('address',REF) 2 - 返回行号//可以用工作表函数CELL('row');CELL('row',REF);ROW(REF) 3 - 返回列号(数字)//可以用工作表函数CELL('col');CELL('col',REF);COLUMN(REF) ...
Set Cell Value using VBA Code To set a cell value, you need to use the “Value” property, and then you need to define the value that you want to set. Here I have used some examples to help you understand this. 1. Enter a Value in a Cell ...
ADDRESS(row_num, column_num, [abs_num], [a1], [sheet_text]) The first two arguments are required: row_num- the row number to use in the cell reference. column_num- the column number to build the cell reference. The last three arguments, which specify the cell reference format, are...
VBA: Get cell value based on row and column numbers: Function GetValue(row As Integer, col As Integer) GetValue = ActiveSheet.Cells(row, col) End Function Copy 3. Then save and close the code window, go back to the worksheet, and enter this formula: =getvalue(6,3) into a blank ...
Range("A1") = Selection.Address End Sub Juan Pablo Posted by Dank on November 15, 2001 1:15 PM There's possibly a non-VBA way of doing this, but I don't know what it is. Therefore, VBA it is. Say for example that you want the current selection to appear in cell A1. Try thi...
The big obstacle is CELL and INFO cannot determine the active cell unless you want to return the address of the cell you're in. I believe you'd need vba to accomplish this task. Reply jhbrooks Copper Contributor to Patrick2788May 10, 2024 Thank you. That's what I've found so...