例句2: Tom was caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he was sitting at my computer desk reading my files last night. He admitted he stole my code a month ago and tried to find out what I wrote in the out...
It’s easy to get caught up in numbers — how many subscribers you have, how many views your website gets per month, and how many comments you receive — but remember,you’re writing forreal people. Even if you have just a few readers, get to know them. Send out an email to your...
Howeverwe’ve got four classes this month and we’ll be going steady, soif you happen to be away this first weekendor don’t see the information in time,don’t worry and don’t let that stop you. You’ll be perfectly fine tojoin us in week 2 and we’d love to see you. Happy ...
The Bottom LinePure CBD works like any other CBD products, but they have no THC, meaning you won’t get caught using them when you get scanned by the system. They are the most natural form of CBD products that you can find, and you should avoid fake products at all times because thei...
You need to see that he sees the note in your hand before he grabs it since if he shakes your hand without seeing the note, he may get caught off guard and freak out. You may want to quickly signal with the eyes to look at your hand so he knows what is going on. Add a cheeky...
I thought I caught him looking at me a few times but this could be my imagination. At the end when I was leaving he waited inside so he could say goodbye and he gave me a really long hug and looked back at me as I was walking out. To me this all makes no sense because it ...
We often get caught up in the day-to-day tasks at hand — we check one thing off our to-do list and move right on to the next. Month after month goes by and we know we've accomplished a lot, but it's hard to remember what all of those work accomplishments were when it's time...
Saw an ad or promoted post on social media that caught your eye. In all of those instances, someone with a copywriting job wrote the words that moved you toward buying. Marketing Versus Copywriting: Is There a Difference? Copywriters must understand the differences between marketing and copywriti...
and if you are caught outside these areas with only a transit (G) visa, you may face either fines, deportation, or short-term imprisonment. Pleading “I didn’t know” will make little difference for the vast majority of cases. 24-Hour Visa-Free Transit Policy All open ports of ...
And then I caught a cold or something, I think while mucking about in flood mud. I’m on about day 6 of that, and feeling like I might be all better tomorrow. The very minute I feel like I can do it without setting myself back, I’m going to get back on the road again. I’...