Some states require lenders send you a notice of the date and location where a repossessed vehicle will be sold. If you can attend the sale -- often an auction -- you could buy the car back. Not all states allow this, but if yours does, you could end up paying less than your outst...
(非正式用语)挨打,挨揍From his black eye and bloody nose, everyone knew he'd gotten beaten up in the fight.get behind with [sth], get behind on [sth] v expr informal (not do [sth] in time)落后;迟延Dan's car was repossessed when he got behind on the payments.We've got behind on...
Being upside down on your car loan is frustrating and can be downright scary. Not only are you continuing to lose money on the car as itdepreciates(or loses value), but you also run the risk of missing payments and having your carrepossessed. The good news? There are steps you can tak...
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How long it takes for your car to be repossessed will vary depending on your loan agreement and applicable state laws, as well as the value of the vehicle "Some vehicles are repossessed shortly after default while others happen months or years later, often out of the blue," says Gelinas. ...
Brantley Gilbert's Car Accident Brantley Gilbert was involved in an almost-fatal car accident at the age of 19. The singer, who had been drinking, was traveling in his truck in Georgia. He went off the road and his truck flipped several times before colliding with a tree. Somehow, by th...
The banks themselves estimate that up to 25,000 of those will be repossessed, and the families will be put out so the houses can be sold with vacant possession. READ MORE DUP reinstates Líofa grant as efforts to avoid election underway Fintan O’Toole: Martin McGuinness, a hard man ...
Because they don’t get disposed of overnight. And it is also pretty unlikely they will be disposed of within 12 months either. (By “disposed of”, I mean sold or repossessed.) Given that one mortgage lender has taken almost 3 years to repossess an empty flat. A flat that was not ...