Buy the Car Back Some states require lenders send you a notice of the date and location where a repossessed vehicle will be sold. If you can attend the sale -- often an auction -- you could buy the car back. Not all states allow this, but if yours does, you could end up paying l...
Being upside down on your car loan is frustrating and can be downright scary. Not only are you continuing to lose money on the car as itdepreciates(or loses value), but you also run the risk of missing payments and having your carrepossessed. The good news? There are steps you can tak...
out lawyers can do it. If your car is about to be repossessed, we can help you keep it. Even if your car has already been taken, as long as your creditor has not sold it, we may be able to get it back for you. If your wages are about to be garnished, we can ...
Impounded Cars For Purchase – Purchasing a Used Vehicle at Government Auction Each week in U . s . States, lots of cars become government property through impounded, repossessed and property foreclosure.… Read More » Next page Recent ...