Legal structure:If you run your small business on your own, you might be asole proprietor. If you have partners, you might have a partnership or a limited liability company (LLC). You might have a corporation if you run a larger company. Either way, you need to file paperwork to form...
If two or more people have membership interests, it’s a multimember LLC. S corp: An S corporation is a business structure that isn’t subject to corporate income tax, and is available to private corporations like LLCs or partnerships. In an S corp, profits pass to shareholders, who ...
LLC:An LLC (limited liability company) establishes a separate legal entity, providing liability protection for the business owner. An LLC can be formed by one or more owners, aka “members.” A business with one member is a single-member LLC. If two or more people have membership interests,...
This page will show you how to get an EIN (Federal Tax ID Number) for LLC online. It takes 15 minutes. The IRS gives out EINs for free.
No. An LLC is a type of business structure. While you are required to register as an LLC, it is not a business license. Who needs a business license? The requirements for who needs a business license vary depending on your location. Check out our state business licensing guides and contac...
In Michigan, professionals in licensed industries like law, medicine, and more can organize as a professional limited liability company (PLLC), an LLC organized for a professional service business. If you create a PLLC, much of the process will look the same as a regular LLC. But there are...
People might need to borrow money occasionally, whether it is for opening a small business or avoiding financial scrutiny. And while most of us are used to getting money from close relatives or friends, sometimes it’s not the best decision. With the immediate circle, the feeling of guilt an...
An LLC is one of the most common business entities. It protects everyone in your business, from your members to your managers and everyone else in between. The most beneficial thing about registering your business as an LLC is that your personal property is well-protected (unlike in a sole...
Also, consider that an LLC operating agreement is something that you might want to show to potential investors and business partners. It puts a plan in place for succession if you die or become incapacitated. But creating an LLC operating agreement also helps you to really focus and think abou...
LLC (DBA Get Mulched) and it's employees and contractors liable to any damage to unmarked irrigation sprinkler heads, invisible dog fences, or any other items you have installed underground in your yard that are not utilities of the state of Ohio. We will be responsible for contacting Ohio ...