POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json X-TC-Action: GetEmailIdentity <Common request parameters> { "EmailIdentity": "" } Output Example { "Response": { "RequestId": "8979fc1e-9564-4fc9-bf7d-2958ce679b72", "IdentityType": "DOMAI...
my.getAuthCode 引导用户授权其信息给当前小程序,取得的代表用户授权的授权码(authCode),后续需由小程序服务端使用,向支付宝换取用户信息(如 user_id(open_id)、头像、昵称、手机号、地区、性别、出生日期等)。这种方式较通用,但也相对复杂(参见下文接入流程)。 对于简单需求,建议优先选择其他方式:获取用户昵称和...
BaseItemId BaseOffset BaseShape BaseShape (PreviewItemBaseShapeType) BccRecipient BccRecipients BeginTime Bias Bias (UTC) BillingInformation BinaryData Birthday Birthdays Bitmask BlockExternalImages BlockStatus Bodies Body BodyContentAttributedValue BodyType BodyType (BodyTypeType) BusinessAddresses BusinessHome...
{"UserId":"LongValueHere"} 响应JSON 此模板由一个工具生成,用于显示 JSON 响应的正文和标头元素。 JSON {"User": {"AuthenticationToken":"ValueHere","ContactInfo": {"Address": {"BusinessName":"ValueHere","City":"ValueHere","CountryCode":"ValueHere","Id":"LongValueHere","Line1":"ValueHe...
在绑定邮箱之前你需要先得到以下ID信息~ SBC学号:SBC-23-XXXX 邮箱账号:SBC-23-XXXX 邮件地址:SBC-23-XXXX@SBC.USST.EDU.CN 初始密码:详见邮件(记得一定要更改哦!) IOS设备绑定 设置-> 邮件、通讯录、日历 -> 添加账户 账号参数设置 a. 在Email一栏中填写你的校园邮箱地址 ...
Operation ID: CreateUser This will create a new contact in the database for the current entity Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription company_name company_name string Associated company name company_number company_number string Associated company number email email string Email address of...
A digital ID enables you to send digitally signed messages using Microsoft Outlook. A digital ID—also known as a digital certificate—helps prove your identity and helps prevent message tampering to protect the authenticity of an email message. You also can encrypt messages for greater privacy. ...
Get-CMEmailNotificationComponent [-SiteCode <String>] [-SiteSystemServerName <String>] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionGet-CMEmailNotificationComponent Cmdlet 會取得一或多個電子郵件通知元件 Configuration Manager。備註...
Find the flow ID Manage customer chats Set up WhatsApp Business messaging WhatsApp Business messaging capabilities and limitations with Amazon Connect Set up in-app, web, video calling, and screen sharing capabilities Configure an out-of-the-box communication widget Integrate in-app, web, video ca...
Perhaps you’re not abroad, but instead are running an online business and want to convey the appearance of having a physical office (perhaps even one with a prestigious address); in this case, you can use a virtual mailbox service that also has full office services like dedicated phone num...