PyMOL的Plugin工具栏会多出一个菜单项GetBox Plugin,有三个子菜单,分别为:Advanced usage、Autodetect box、Get box from selection (sele)。 用法简介 Autodetect box 的功能是打开蛋白后一键自动获取盒子,相应代码为autobox 5.0,适用于A链中只有一个配体的蛋白分析。 Get box from selection (sele) 的功能是在...
图3.1 GetBox Plugin 安装步骤(PyMOL高版本) 用法简介 Autodetect box的功能是打开蛋白后一键自动获取盒子,相应代码为autobox 5.0,适用于A链中只有一个配体的蛋白分析。 Get box from selection (sele)的功能是在选定了配体或氨基酸后一键获取盒子,相应代码为getbox (sele), 5.0,适用于含有配体的蛋白分析,也适用...
ListBox ListBox 构造函数 字段 属性 方法 AddItemsCore BeginUpdate ClearSelected CreateAccessibilityInstance CreateItemCollection EndUpdate FindString FindStringExact GetItemHeight GetItemRectangle GetScaledBounds GetSelected IndexFromPoint OnChangeUICues
MicrosoftGraphMailboxSettings MicrosoftGraphManagedAppFlaggedReason MicrosoftGraphManagedAppOperation MicrosoftGraphManagedAppPolicy MicrosoftGraphManagedAppRegistration MicrosoftGraphManagedDevice MicrosoftGraphManagedDeviceOwnerType MicrosoftGraphManagedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState MicrosoftGraphManagementAgentType MicrosoftGrap...
The home page contains a randomly selected word cloud which will pique your curiosity and help you improve your vocabulary, while the search box allows you to find specific words easily. As you type, Dictionary homes in on the word you are looking for. Then you can follow the links in ...
public static final Get7ItemsItem MAILBOX_SETTINGS Static value mailboxSettings for Get7ItemsItem.MAIL_ENABLED public static final Get7ItemsItem MAIL_ENABLED Static value mailEnabled for Get7ItemsItem.MAIL_FOLDERS public static final Get7ItemsItem MAIL_FOLDERS Static value mailFolders for Get7Items...
listBox1.SetSelected(0,true); listBox1.SetSelected(2,true); listBox1.SetSelected(4,true); // Force the ListBox to scroll back to the top of the list. listBox1.TopIndex=0; } private void InvertMySelection() { // Loop through all items the ListBox. for (int x = 0; x < list...
ISelectionContainer ITrackSelection IUIElement IUIHostLocale IUIHostLocale2 IUIHostLocale3 IVsActivityLog IVsAddNewWebProjectItemDlg IVsAddProjectItemDlg IVsAddProjectItemDlg2 IVsAddProjectItemDlg3 IVsAddToolboxItems IVsAddWebReferenceDlg IVsAddWebReferenceDlg2 IVsAggregatableProject IVsAggregatableProject...
此示例演示如何使用 GetRectFromCharacterIndex 来确定所选文本的矩形。 有关完整示例,请参阅 ContextMenu 示例的方案 2。 C# 复制 // Returns a rect for selected text. // If no text is selected, returns caret location. // Text box should not be empty. private Rect GetTextboxSelectionRect(Text...
ITrackSelection IUIElement IUIHostLocale IUIHostLocale2 IUIHostLocale3 IVsActivityLog IVsAddNewWebProjectItemDlg IVsAddProjectItemDlg IVsAddProjectItemDlg2 IVsAddProjectItemDlg3 IVsAddToolboxItems IVsAddWebReferenceDlg IVsAddWebReferenceDlg2 IVsAggregatableProject IVsAggregatableProject2 IVsAggregatablePr...