Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows ...
PowerShell Get-WmiObject-ClassWin32_Bios |Format-List-Property* Status : OK Name : Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version1.10A05 Caption : Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version1.10A05 SMBIOSPresent : True __GENUS :2__CLASS : Win32_BIOS __SUPERCLASS : CIM_BIOSElement __DYNASTY : CIM_ManagedSystemElement...
從Windows PowerShell 3.0 開始,PSSession 物件會儲存在每一個連線的遠端電腦上。 若要取得指定計算機上的會話,PowerShell 會建立與每部計算機的暫時連線,並執行 Get-PSSession 命令。 輸入NetBIOS 名稱、IP 位址或一或多部電腦的完整功能變數名稱。 若要指定本機計算機,請輸入計算機名稱、localhost或點(.)。...
Get-WinEvent cmdlet 使用 LogName 参数来指定 Windows PowerShell 事件日志。 事件对象存储在 $Event 变量中。 $Event 的 Count 属性显示记录的事件总数。$Event 变量将管道向下发送到 Group-Object cmdlet。 Group-Object 使用Property 参数指定 ID 属性,并按事件 ID 值对对象进行计数。 NoElement 参数从对象输出...
Export BIOS settings to HTML format Display possible values and description Let’s take a look at these functions. To begin, you need to install the module which is available on the PowerShell gallery. To install the module, do the following: Press Windows key + X to open the Power User...
PowerShell # Using the Where-Object cmdlet:$Yesterday= (Get-Date) - (New-TimeSpan-Day1)Get-WinEvent-LogName'Windows PowerShell'|Where-Object{$_.TimeCreated-ge$Yesterday}# Using the FilterHashtable parameter:$Yesterday= (Get-Date) - (New-TimeSpan-Day1)Get-WinEvent-Fi...
Get BIOS Information on Remote Systems with PowerShell Similarly, we can use PowerShell to get BIOS version for remote systems like this: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME It’s possible to specify multiple computers by separating each with a comma:-ComputerName computer...
在PowerShell 中Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory,SMBIOSMemoryType是一种用于描述系统中物理内存类型的属性。数字26表示特定的内存类型,具体为DDR3内存。每种内存类型在 SMBIOS(System Management BIOS)规范中都有一个对应的数字码,用来标识不同类型的内存。
在Windows PowerShell 5.1 及更早版本中,Windows 会显示一个对话框,提示输入用户名和密码。 在 PowerShell 6.0 及更高版本中,所有平台的提示都会显示在控制台中。 示例 示例1 PowerShell $c=Get-Credential 此命令获取凭据对象并将其保存在$c变量中。
Read: Backup BitLocker recovery key and suspend BitLocker encryption before updating BIOS Using Windows PowerShell Click Start, search Windows Powershell, and click on Run as Administrator. Here, run the following command: Get-BitLockerVolume This will display a list of all Bitlocker encrypted drives...