3:16; 1 John 3:16; John 1:1 The book name or book number must be in each reference. Various Verse Options Query API grouped verses like this: 3:16,17,18,19; 1 John 3:16-19,22 or like this http...
Konkanis to get Bible in local languagePress Trust Of India
Finally, you can continue reading the Old Testament stories in a children’s Bible and add in some craft ideas from the Old Testament Bible Story Crafts Bundle. These hands-on, play-based crafts bring Bible stories to life. Using these three resources together will give you a completely FREE...
One begins with the solution proposed in the Bible: 孜孜不倦地思考探索的问题。《圣经》提出了最初的解决办法: the poor suffer in this world but are wonderfully rewarded in the next. 在现世受苦受难的人来世会得到更好的回报。 The poverty is a temporary misfortune; If they are poor and also ...
Five Day Bible Reading Plan Get the reading plan that works for any schedule, any time! Get the 2025 Plan Join Patreon The 2025 Five Day Bible Reading schedule is NOW AVAILABLE- free as always -for download If you need additional resources to help with the habit of Bible reading and...
The Bible of Many Colors is a King James Bible(KJV Bible) in color text referencing. It takes each person writing, speaking and/or being referred to in each book of the Bible and assigns him or her an individual color. The color-coding system is labeled in a key at the bottom of eac...
It takes about $5 to place a Bible into the hands of a child. With your gift you can help make the Scriptures available to the children who have never had an opportunity to hear the Gospel. You can make a difference! 2. PARTICIPATE Special Events Promote Bibles-4-Children in your churc...
Take your Bible with you wherever you go 新内容 2017年9月11日 版本1.2 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. Tagalog Bible is getting better - New enhanced interface - Added commentaries to help your further your bible studies ...
Additional light is thrown upon spiritual instructing in Bible times by a quick view of My Psychological Illness Did Not Prevent Me From Succeeding, However The Stigma Nearly Did November 4, 2015 Carlos Light It is a time when nature starts to awaken, slumbering bushes and shrubs begin to ...
How Did We Get the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:16-17;2 Peter 1:20-21The Bible is inspired by God. The bible is made up of 66 different books written over 1600 years from around 1500 BC to AD 100 by more than 40 kings, prophets, leaders, and followers of the apostles of Jesus. Traditiona...