Get-AzureADDevice [-All <Boolean>] [-Top <Int32>] [-Filter <String>] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Get-AzureADDevice [-SearchString <String>] [-All <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Get-AzureADDevice -ObjectId <String> [-All <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]说明...
{ "friendlyName": "vm1", "dnsDomain": "contoso", "ntDomain": "domain", "hostName": "vm1", "netBiosName": "contoso", "azureID": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1", "omsAgentID": "70fbdad0-...
"Activation Lock Bypass Code value", "emailAddress": "Email Address value", "azureADDeviceId": "Azure ADDevice Id value", "deviceRegistrationState": "registered", "deviceCategoryDisplayName": "Device Category Display Name value", "isSupervised": true, "exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime": "2017...
Compare two azure ad groups Compare two mailbox users directly in compare-object scriptblock compare two strings in if-then-else statement Compare two text files in Powershell and if a name is found in both files output content from file 2 to a 3rd text file Compare-Object : Cannot bind ...
Format-Table SystemName, DeviceID, DriveType, VolumeName, Size, FreeSpace -AutoSize PowerShell Script to Check Disk Space on Multiple Servers Running the PowerShell check disk space commands manually is suitable for ad-hoc work. But it would be best to convert the commands into a reusable script...
DeviceId Property (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointMouseEvents.RemoveMultipointPreviewMouseUpHandler Method (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointMouseDevice.SetPosition Method (Point) (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointGenericDeviceEvents.AddDeviceDownHandler Method (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) Migration ...
Get-CMDevice [-CollectionMember] [-Fast] [-Resource] -ResourceId <Int32> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionGet-CMDevice Cmdlet 會取得 Configuration Manager 裝置。 根據預設,它會查詢 SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SMS00001 類別。 您可以使用 Resource 或CollectionMe...
Returns whatever info is requested in the response for the user. Note that PII (like email address, facebook id) may be returned. All parameters default to fals
$uri = "" $body = '{ "userDeviceQuota": 1, "multiFactorAuthConfiguration": "0", "azureADRegistration": { "appliesTo": "1", "isAdminConfigurable": false, "allowedUsers": [], ...
Example 2: Get a directory role by Id PowerShellคัดลอก Get-MgDirectoryRole-DirectoryRoleId'a2d10e79-df32-47fc-86ef-64d199860810'|Format-ListDeletedDateTime : Description : Can manage all aspects of Azure AD and Microsoft services that use Azure AD identities. DisplayNam...