The Get-AzVMExtension cmdlet gets properties of Virtual Machine Extensions installed on a virtual machine. Specify the name of an extension for which to get properties. To get only the instance view of an extension, specify the Status parameter.
function Get-AzureExtensionHighestVersion { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ([string]$extension, [string] $location='AustraliaEast') $sortProps = @{Expression = "PublisherName"; Descending = $True}, @{Expression = "Type"; Descending = $True},@{Expression = "Version"; Descending = $True} $Results...
【Azure 应用服务】Azure Function App 执行PowerShell指令[Get-Azsubscription -TenantId tenantID−DefaultProfilecxt]错误 问题描述 使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId tenantID−DefaultProfilecxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则...
使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId cxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 No alt text provided for this image 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则出现了异常: No alt text provided for this image 完成的错误信息为: "Error getting value from 'Tags' on 'Microso...
$VMName="VM-01" $VMStatuses= (Get-AzureRmVM-ResourceGroupName$RGName-Name$VMName-Status). Statuses $ProvisioningState=$VMStatuses[0].DisplayStatus $PowerState=$VMStatuses[1].DisplayStatus $VMStatuses.DisplayStatus Check Status of All the Azure VMs ...
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.StackHCIVM.Models.IMachineExtension> MachineExtensionsGetWithResult (string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string machineName, string extensionName, Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.StackHCIVM.Runtime.IEve...
"Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access is not allowed." is returned after adding a where-object filter. "Get-EventLog: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" - why?? "Get-WmiObject not supported...
PowerShell Install-Module -Name AzureRM 备注 如果使用的 NuGet 版本低于,系统会提示下载并安装最新版本的 NuGet。 默认情况下,PowerShell 库未配置为 PowerShellGet 的受信任存储库。首次使用 PSGallery 时会看到以下提示: output Untrusted repository ...
PowerShell中使用的AZ命令为: az account get-access-token 问题解答 使用az account get-access-token之前,需要设定az命令登录环境为中国区Azure 然后,使用az login命令,输入用户名和密码进行登录 最后,使用get-access-token来获取 Token 命令如下: az cloud set --name AzureChinaCloud az login az account get...