1、卸载旧版 Microsoft Store 首先使用键盘快捷键“Win+X”打开菜单,然后启动“Windows 终端(管理员)”输入以下命令,并按回车键执行。get-xpackage *store* | remove-Appxpackage 2、安装新版 Microsoft Store 卸载旧版本之后,建议等待几分钟,然后再执行新版安装操作。PowerShell 窗口不要关闭,继续执行以下指令...
针对你遇到的问题“get-appxpackage : 无法启动服务,原因可能是已被禁用或与其相关联的设备没有启动”,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 检查服务状态 首先,我们需要确认与get-appxpackage命令相关的服务是否正常运行。这些服务通常包括Microsoft Store服务和Windows Update服务等。 你可以使用以下PowerShell命令来检查...
Get-appxprovisionedpackage-online|where-object{$_.packagename-like"*OneNote*"} |remove-appxprovisionedpackage-online Get-AppxPackage*Camera* |Remove-Appxpackage Get-appxprovisionedpackage-online|where-object{$_.packagename-like"*Camera*"} |remove-appxprovisionedpackage-online Get-AppxPackage*communic...
When Add-AppxPackage or Remove-AppxPackage report a failure, they return the ActivityID to use with Get-AppxLog. For more information about common error codes, see Troubleshooting packaging, deployment, and query of Windows Store apps. Examples Example 1: Get logs for the most recent deployment...
Store application. Now I want it back, but I cannot re-install it. Normally, I would use Get-AppxPackage to get the InstallLocation for Microsoft.WindowsStore and use that information with Add-AppxPackage, but Get-AppxPackage doesn't return an application with the name Microsoft.WindowsStore....
IAppxPackageWriter interface IAppxPackageWriter2 interface IAppxPackageWriter3 interface IAppxSourceContentGroupMapReader interface Download PDF Learn Windows Apps Win32 API Packaging, deployment, and query of Windows Store apps Appxpackaging.h
Also see:Fixing Microsoft Store Error on Windows 11 or 10 Get-AppxPackage is not recognized as an internal or external command Get-AppxPackage is a PowerShell cmdlet, so you should run it in the PowerShell, not the regular Command Prompt. The error “Get-AppxPackage is not recognized as ...
打开GetStoreAppPackage 打包项目,找到 Package.appxmanifest 文件,右键该文件,点击查看代码,找到 Resources 标签,根据模板添加相对应的语言,例如“”。 打开GetStoreApp 项目的 Strings 文件夹,并创建您使用的语言,比如(English(United States))文件夹名称为 en-us,具体可以参考表示语言(文化)代码与国家地区对照表)。
Packaging, deployment, and query of Windows Store apps Appmodel.h Appxpackaging.h Overview APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE enumeration APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE enumeration APPX_CAPABILITIES enumeration APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION enumeration APPX_ENCRYPTED_EXEMPTIONS structure APPX_ENCRYPTED_...