Today, the atmosphere of Lanai is calm and relaxing, with warm and friendly locals.Here’s some cool Hawaii trivia for you: Lanai has no stop lights. How Zen is that!So what kind of activities on Lanai are awaiting you?Some 400 miles of four-wheel drive trails get you out into ...
CONNOISSEUR A person who has expert knowledge and ken discrimination in some field, especially the fine arts or in matters of taste.Corps de ballet The ensemble of a ballet company.Corpus delicti (Body of the crime) The facts constituting or proving a crime....
ABCs of Apples Get Ready for Annual Fruit Festival with TriviaByline: Sandra Swanson Daily Herald CorrespondentSwanson, Sandra
Although these trees are grown in the spirit of Christmas, they don't magically, or genetically, aspire to a perfectly peaked shape. "Once the trees reach about 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 meters) in height, we begin a process called 'shearing,'" said Ben Butler, farm and finance manager ...
As Christians, however, we know that Jesus overcame the world, and by His power at work within us, we can as well. In Down, but Not Out, Wayne Mack brings bib- lical counsel to people suffering from worry or spiritual burnout—two major problems that knock us down. Other chapters ...
Make the flag the star of your 4th of July decorating with thiseasy outdoor centerpiece. Tuck an American flag around the edges of a clear glass vase. Then fill with your favorite red, white, and blue 4th of July flowers. A base of fresh, juicy fruit doubles as a serving platter and...