POSTis also more secure thanGET, because you aren't sticking information into a URL. And so usingGETas themethodfor an HTML form that collects a password or other sensitive information is not the best idea. One final note:POSTcan transmit a larger amount of information thanGET. 'POST' has...
写的非常好的一篇文章 get and post http get/post请求区别(二者都是请求,both of them are request) get从服务器获取数据的请求,post向服务器提交数据的请求 Get是向服务器发索取数据的一种请求,而Post是向服务器提交数据的一种请求,在FORM(表单)中,Method默认为"GET",实质上,GET和POST只是发送机制不同,并...
预定义的 $_POST 变量用于收集来自 method="post" 的表单中的值。 从带有 POST 方法的表单发送的信息,对任何人都是不可见的(不会显示在浏览器的地址栏),并且对发送信息的量也没有限制。 注释:然而,默认情况下,POST 方法的发送信息的量最大值为 8 MB(可通过设置 php.ini 文件中的 post_max_size 进行更改...
The HTTP POST method sends data to the server. It is often used when uploading a file or when submitting a completed web form. POST requests: should be used to create a resource parameters are not displayed in the URL are never cached do not remain in the browser history cannot be bookm...
GET is basically used for just getting (retrieving) some data from the server.Note:The GET method may return cached data. POST can also be used to get some data from the server. However, the POST method NEVER caches data, and is often used to send data along with the request. ...
POST Method Example Here is an example of POST method: POST /test/demo_form.php HTTP/1.1 Host: name1=value1&name2=value2 The data sent to the server with POST is stored in the request body of the HTTP request. ...
顺便讲下REST POST和REST PUT的区别。有些api是使用PUT作为创建资源的Method。PUT与POST的区别在于,PUT...
KnownIngressTransportMethod KnownIpFilterTag KnownKeyType KnownKind KnownLoadBalancingMode KnownOpenAuthenticationProviderType KnownParameterType KnownProviderOsTypeSelected KnownProviderStackOsType KnownPublishingProfileFormat KnownRecurrenceFrequency KnownResourceNotRenewableReason KnownResourceScopeType KnownRe...
2° Is it the same procedure for the OnPost Method (method = "post") or is there an additional variant?Thank you very muchAll replies (4)Wednesday, September 23, 2020 8:27 PMtry reading the docs for a basic razor pages, the view model and controller actions are merged ...