See that section below for details. Voicemail | Flip Or Non Smartphone What if you have an older cell phone that won’t let you save and export your old messages? No problem! You can turn the message into an MP3 (we’ll cover this one in a minute) Or you can call your cellphone ...
even get an app for your phone that helps you walk around the festival, giving you maps and schedules for the events.1 Wanderlust Festival only happens in one place.2 There are different types of yoga classes at the festivals.T3 There are educational classes at the festivals.4 Some people ...
根据文中第1段:Openanapp(软件),ordersomefood,andyoucangetyourfoodafterabout30minute—thisisapopularwayformanypeopletoeatthesedays.(打开一个应用程序,点一些食物,大约30分钟后你就可以拿到你的食物——这是目前许多人流行的吃饭方式。)可知,通过应用程序订外卖越来越流行 是因为通过应用程序点餐很快。故选C。
Foodie, a camera app from the folks behind the popular Line messaging app, aims to “make [your] food pictures more delicious” with a “cornucopia” of features. One of those are filters categorized by “Meat,” Sushi,”“Cake” (26 in all) and other self-descriptive and applies an au...
Open an app (软件),order some food,and you can get your food after about 30 minutes-this is a popular way for many people to eat these days.There are many different kinds of food,like chicken,hamburgers,fish and noodles.They are all delicious. Why is take-away food (外卖食物) getting...
If you’ve been ordering fast food without using an app, you’re missing out BIG TIME! When you use a restaurant’s app, there are so many ways to scoreFREE fast foodand the best coupons. With so many apps on the market, it can be hard to decide what deserves space on your smartp...
Open an app (软件), order some food, and you can get your food after about 30 minute—this is a popular way for many people to eat these days. There are many different kinds of food, like chicken, hamburgers, fish and noodles. They are all delicious. Why is take-away food (外卖食...
15. (5分) Open an app (软件), order some food, and you can get your food after about 30minutes - this is a popular way for many people to eat these days. There are many different kinds of food, like chicken, hamburgers, fish and noodles. They are all delicious.Why is take - ...
简介 GetSmart English 职场英语 The perfect app to master English for work, on the go, for Chinese speakers, with fun, interactive challenges. 为想学英语的中文使用者准备的完美应用,有趣,互动性强的挑战使您在职场上,旅途中掌握英语。新内容 版本记录 ...
Tangelo makes it easy to access affordable food prescriptions tailored to improve your health. As soon as you’re approved, we activate your food prescription an…