foreach (var mt in model.GetTables())Console.WriteLine(mt.TableName);The MetaModel holds all of the information the LINQ to SQL uses to map between the CLR type system and the SQL database. The above code doesn't require an instance of the DataContext. If you happen to have an ...
@@FETCH_STATUS in nested loops @@ServerName returns wrong value in SQL SERVER 2008 ##TempTable and INSERT-SELECT FROM an existing Table with an IDENTITY column %rowtype equivalent in SQL server ++ operator in TSQL - bug or feature? 2 tables ref...
public java.lang.String getTableName(int column) 参数column指示列索引的 int 。返回值一个包含表名称的字符串。例外SQLServerException备注此getTableName 方法是由 java.sql.ResultSetMetaData 接口中的 getTableName 方法指定的。另请参阅SQLServerResultSetMetaData 方法 SQLServerResultSetMetaData 成员 SQLServer...
And if you want to return in an ADO Recordset see the below link. There is some filtering that may be required (the schema method is recommended). Paul ~~~ Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic) Thursday, September 18...
SQLSetCursorName 函式 SQLSetDescField 函式 SQLSetDescRec 函式 SQLSetEnvAttr 函式 SQLSetParam 函式 SQLSetPos 函式 SQLSetScrollOptions 函式 SQLSetStmtAttr 函式 SQLSetStmtOption 函式 SQLSpecialColumns 函式 SQLStatistics 函式 SQLTablePrivileges 函式 SQLTables 函式 SQLTransact 函式 設定DLL API 參考...
SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN 1.0 An SQLUSMALLINT value that specifies the maximum length of a table name in the data source. If there is no maximum length or the length is unknown, this value is set to zero.An FIPS Entry level-conformant driver will return at least 18. An FIPS Intermediate...
public static List<String> CONFIG_TABLE_LIST; public static List<String> DATABASE_LIST; @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractSQLConfig<T extends Object> implements SQLConfig<T TABLE_KEY_MAP.put(AllTableComment.class.getSimpleName(), AllTableComment.TABLE_NAME); TABLE_KEY_MAP...
--ScriptName : get_table_ddl.sql --Author : 潇湘隐者 --CreateDate : 2018-06-15 --Description : 输出表、表的注释、表的索引、约束、对象权限的DDL语句.*** --Parameters : 参数说明 ***
PRAGMAis a SQL extension specific to the SQLite database. It enables users to query the internal data of a database. Using this command, we can fetch the column names for any table. Get Column Names UsingPRAGMA_TABLE_INFO Apart from thePRAGMAcommand mentioned above, we can use aPRAGMAmetho...
SqlConnection connection =newSqlConnection(BaseSystemInfo.BusinessDbConnection); connection.Open(); DataTable dt = connection.GetSchema("Tables"); connection.Close(); foreach(DataRow dataRowindt.Rows) { stringtableName = dataRow["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); ...