Long article //按 name 特性查找let form = document.getElementsByName('my-form')[0];//在 form 中按 class 查找let articles = form.getElementsByClassName('article'); alert(articles.length);//2, found two elements with class "article" 实时的集合 所有的"getElementsBy*"方法都会返回一个实时的...
getelementbyclass - Javascript 代码示例 📅 最后修改于: 2022-03-11 15:03:46.587000 🧑 作者: Mango获取平台节点 - Javascript 代码示例 javascript 重定向示例 - Javascript 代码示例 代码示例3 var allHiddenElements = document.getElementsByClassName("hidden"); 复制...
var allPageTags = new Array(); function hideDivWithClasses(theClass) { //Populate the array with all the page tags var allPageTags=document.getElementsByTagName("div"); //Cycle through the tags using a for loop for (i=0; i<allPageTags.length;i++) { if (allPageTags[i].className=...
log(id_class_combo); 6 7 // Output: NodeList [ b.bird-name.important, b.important ] 8 console.log(para_important); As you can see, we get the same two elements whether we use the getElementsByClassName() method chained to getElementById() or directly use the querySelectorAll...
Javascript中的getElementById十分常用,但在标准的页面中,一个id只能出现一次,如果我想同时控制多个元素,例如点一个链接, 让多个层隐藏,该怎么做?用class,当然,同一个class是可以允许在页面中重复出现的,那么有没有getElementByClass呢?没有, 但是可以解决: ...
这里我们将查找到所有class为'test'的div元素: 复制代码 var testElements = document.getElementsByClassName('test'); var testDivs = Array.prototype.filter.call(testElements, function(testElement){ return testElement.nodeName === 'DIV';; }); 6.5 document.querySelector和document.querySelectorAll 这...
React Js Get Element by Class Name - Access Single Element 1 2 const { useEffect } = React; 3 4 function App() { 5 useEffect(() => { 6 const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.my-class'); 7 const element = elements[1]; // Access the first matched element 8 ...
Get Element Based on CSS Class Name With Javascript .querySelector() Function Get Multiple HTML Elements Based on CSS Class Name With the .querySelectorAll() Function We may need to query an element from the DOM to change its style dynamically at the run time. Javascript has various inb...
This method also accepts multiple class names separated by spaces. Let us get all elements that have both the bird and eagle classes:const eagle = document.getElementsByClassName('bird eagle') Get DOM element using querySelector()The querySelector() method is one of the two modern JavaScript ...
使用原生JavaScript模拟getElementByClassName . 2016-05-26 12:37 −最近在工作中,由于有一个插件必须使用jquery-pack.js,而这个包又是非常古老的jquery,所以又的函数是无法使用的,例如$()选择器以及parent()都取不到标签的内容。 所以没办法,只能用原生的JavaScript了,为了实现这个功能,我得通过HTML标签的Class...