}// Build the WHERE clause for the primary keys.$this->appendPrimaryKeys($query, $pk);$this->_db->setQuery($query);$this->_db->execute();// If checkin is supported and all rows were adjusted, check them in.if($checkin && count($pks) ==$this->_db->getAffectedRows()) {$th...
mysql>update mysql.usersetpassword=password('123456')where User='root';Query OK,4rows affected(0.00sec)Rows matched:4Changed:4Warnings:0mysql>flush privileges;Query OK,0rows affected(0.00sec) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 上面就为root用户创建了密码`123456`。 执行完之后再查看一下当前的账户信息...
Themysqli_num_rows()function in PHP is used to return the number of rows in a result set. This function is very useful when you want to know how many rows are returned in a SELECT query, or how many rows are affected by a DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, or UPDATE query. Here's a simpl...
root@localhost : test 10:56:29>select * from t where a = 8 for update; +---+ | a | +---+ | 8 | +---+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) section B: root@localhost : test 10:54:50>begin; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) root@localhost ...
{$sql= "UPDATE users SET PASSWORD='$pass' where username='$username' and password='$curr_pass'";$res=mysql_query($sql) ordie('You tried to be smart, Try harder!!! :( ');$row=mysql_affected_rows();echo'';echo'';if($row==1) {echo"Password successfully updated"; } 修改密码...
应用程序会向MySQL发起SELECT、UPDATE等操作,处理这些请求花费多久很关键,甚至还想知道具体是哪个SQL最慢,这样就可以有针对性地调优。 1.1.1 采集延迟数据 在客户端埋点 上层业务程序在请求MySQL的时候,记录每个SQL请求耗时,把这些数据统一推给监控系统,监控系统就可以计算出平均延迟、95分位、99分位的延迟数据了。要...
}elseif($a_aff_rows >0) { $message = Message::getMessageForAffectedRows($a_aff_rows); $msg .= $message->getMessage(); }else{ $msg .= __('MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero '.'rows).'); }if($a_num_rows >0|| $is_use_query) { ...
AvgRowsAffected double 平均影响行数。 说明 取值为-1 说明暂未采集到该字段。 100.1 RuleList array 规则列表。 Rules object Name string 规则名,具体信息请参见查询治理。 DAS_NOT_IMPORTANT Type string 规则类别: Predefined:系统预定义。 UserDefined:用户自定义。 Predefined User string 数据库账号。 test...
mysqli_stmt::attr_get -- mysqli_stmt_attr_get— Used to get the current value of a statement attribute 说明 面向对象风格 public mysqli_stmt::attr_get(int $attribute): int 过程化风格 mysqli_stmt_attr_get(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $attribute): int Gets the current value of a statem...