Pretty simple Discord bot to get the active developer badge Topics pythondiscordbadgepython3developeractiveeasycompiledactive-developeractive-developer-badgenttsnotexttospeech Resources Readme License MIT license Activity 2. Create application in discord Developer portal 3. Click on the App and create bot Application --> Bot --> Add bot ...
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I need to download a Spanish App Store badge for a video promoting an international app. This page suggests that Apple "provides it" but there's no link to do so. Apple provides badge artwork with the modifier translated into region...
KnownActiveRevisionsMode KnownAuthenticationType KnownAzureStorageProtocol KnownBasicAuthName KnownBuildStatus KnownCheckNameResourceTypes KnownContainerAppProvisioningState KnownCustomDomainStatus KnownDaprLogLevel KnownDatabaseType KnownDefaultAction KnownDeploymentBuildStatus KnownEnterpriseGradeCdnStatus KnownFtpsStat...
IVsToolboxActiveUserHook IVsToolboxClipboardCycler IVsToolboxClipboardCycler2 IVsToolboxDataProvider IVsToolboxDataProvider2 IVsToolboxDataProviderRegistry IVsToolboxItemProvider IVsToolboxItemProvider2 IVsToolboxPageChooser IVsToolboxUser IVsToolsOptions IVsToolsOptionsHelp IVsToolWindowFactory IVsToolWindowToolbar I...
IActiveDesktop MMC Advanced Topics ICurrentWorkingDirectory IShellIcon ComboBox Controls Visual Basic Code Example: Setting MSMQQueueInfo.ServiceTypeGuid Sending Messages to Multiple Destinations comm (Windows) wave/out (Windows) What's New in Server Core (Windows) IConsole2::UpdateAllViews method (Wi...
Connect to Adobe Creative Cloud, Lightroom, and Creative Cloud Library from within Photoshop Express. Follow the steps below to connect with other Adobe apps: Open the photo and select the share icon present in the upper-right corner.
Those of us on the Excel team have been investing in intelligence for a long time, with the goal of making analysis easy and intuitive for everyone. Last...
C# code to add and retrieve user photos from active directory C# code to convert an array to DataTable c# code to convert txt to xls file C# code to create a new folder and apply password protection to open it c# code to execute batch file c# code to get password complexity of active...