后排座椅座垫专属加长,还有电动可调节脚托,座椅颈部加热……老板级享受真的很难不爱 这次的奔驰E级依旧独E无二、出乎E料,让人E见钟情!! 杭州奕星汽车服务有限公司(杭州市滨江区滨康路619号3幢),业务联系人:朱经理13958079662; 杭州东星行汽车维...
离不开碘 ●碘是人体新陈代谢和生长发育必不可少的微量营养素,是人体合成甲状腺激素的主要原料。 ●甲状腺激素参与身体新陈代谢,维持所有器官的正常功能,促进人体尤其是大脑的生长发育。 ●孩子大脑发育从母亲怀孕就开始了。胎儿期和婴幼儿期(0~3岁...
A DD Form-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty issued to US military members upon service completion. It is an official document that summarizes a service member’s military career, including their dates of service, discharge status, and any awards or decorations they r...
A DD Form-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty issued to US military members upon service completion. It is an official document that summarizes a service member’s military career, including their dates of service, discharge status, and any awards or decorations they ...
Joining the military at 18 years old can no doubt shape one's self-perception. But once it's time to separate or retire, what's often left is just a DD-214, a GI Bill, and an inevitable search for personal identity. Luckily, there's precedent to fall back on. Hundreds of vetre...
字符类:[a-zA-Z] 含义:代表的是a 到 z 或 A 到 Z,两头的字母包括在内 例如:匹配规则为"[a-zA-Z]",那么需要匹配的是一个大写或者小写字母 字符类:[0-9] 含义:代表的是 0到9数字,两头的数字包括在内 例如:匹配规则为"[0-9]",那么需要匹配的是一个数字 ...
\>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a \>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs ▶/chug/ https://rentry.org/chug2022v3 @@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ Be aware, any /chug/ thread that use...
After replacement.  - **📜** : List chat variables. - **🗑️** : Clear message box. - **🖼️** : Display char avatar or image from the web. - OOC : Default ones are my favorites. You can add more by editing the QR. ![...
All military service members who have separated or retired from the service can request copies of their personal military discharge papers, otherwise known as the DD-214. The discharge papers can prove military service as required for a number of processes, such as a job application or a Departm...
If you lost your ID card in Maine, you will need to get it replaced. Unlike many states, Maine allows you to get a replacement ID card online. The service will ask you for basic personal information, including your Social Security Number. The duplicate will be mailed to you once you com...