Look for any jobs that can suit you as a marketing graduate and apply to all the positions. Don’t be afraid to apply even to those positions that might seem a bit out of a marketing graduate’s reach. Although you might not have the required knowledge, some employers are ready to take...
But even when jobs don’t specifically ask for a degree, many applicants do have degrees. Here’s an example from a “marketing leader” job opening that doesn’t specify a degree, yet 100 percent of current applicants have one. Now marketing leader is a more advanced role, perhaps, so ...
The good news is you don’t need a degree in human resources to get a job in HR, although many employers do expect graduates to have earned a UK 2:1 (or international equivalent) in their degree. Graduates usually start off in HR administrator jobs or HR assistant jobs, although some j...
It might be a cliché, but you really can do just about anything with abusiness degree. The curriculum provided arms new grads with a set of skills that make them indispensable to the career they choose. We’ve rounded up 11 different types of jobs you can get with a business degree to...
was supposed to work as a social media marketing intern at a beach club and restaurant near her home in Chicago this summer, but the status of that job is uncertain. She was also offered a job at a summer camp, but that has since been canceled as the camp will not be openi...
Most people take their summer and minimum wage jobs for granted and not list them on the resume. They’re not relevant, right? So, why include them? Because -it’s better than nothing. For example, even if you’re applying for anentry-level marketing internship, the fact that you worked...
Business management, entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, marketing, management information systems, computer sciences and economics; these business degrees are considered as in-demand courses and are highly paid degrees.Possible Jobs for Business Degree HoldersMarketing...
To give you some context, I was a biology major who was interested in landing a job in digital marketing: Growing up, like most people, I wanted to be a doctor. I went to [college] where I majored in biology and planned my course to medical school. Not long after, I decided that ...
Choosing a major or researching a career path to pursue with your degree? Here's a guide to popular – and surprising! – careers for the top college majors.
However, a long job history won’t help you qualify for a mortgage if you’ve jumped around between many different jobs and industries: Example: You have a 10-year employment history. But you spent a year as an accountant, switched to bartending for a couple of years, then to marketing,...